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“As all the boomers get ready to retire, and as we look to new workers, we won’t have any where near the same numbers of new workers from the Canadian born population. ” he said, “We’ll have fewer workers coming in to feed the system and that’s going to suck the life out of our economy. Slower labor force growth means slower economic growth. ” “Currently about 250, 000 immigrants are allowed to enter Canada every year. As an older population and smaller families become common, immigrants will be the only source of population growth in Canada at some time around 2030, ”Hodgson said. While the recession (衰退)took a toll on many people’s pensions, a survey conducted by the Conference Board earlier this year found that the economic recession did not affect the age very much at which Canadians plan to retire, Hodgson said. Only one person in three said the recession made them think about delaying their retirement. The average retirement age in Canada is quite low, he said, but Canada should aim to avoid measures taken across Europe and Japan to raise the age at which workers can access government-sponsored retirement plans. 一项调查发现, 加拿大每年需要吸纳10万移民才可抵消未来人口老龄化所造成的劳动力不足的影响, 从而保证其经济增长, 并保障养老金制度的正常运行。 49. According to Hodgson, if there are fewer workers in Canada, ______ . A. the Canadian economy will be affected B. most Canadians will delay their retirement age C. many immigrants will leave Canada D. Canadians will be advised to have more kids 【解析】选A。细节理解题。根据第四段中的Slower labor force growth means slower economic growth. 可知答案。 50. Which of the following would be the main way to increase the number of the workforce in Canada over the next decades? A. Changing the aging trend in Canada. B. Encouraging older Canadians to work longer. C. Dealing with the problems of small families. D. Allowing more immigrants to come to Canada. 【解析】选D。细节理解题。根据第五段中的内容可以判断, 答案D为正确选项。 51. The underlined phrase “took a toll on” in Para 6 can be replac


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