[高考]【人教版英语】步步高2012版大一轮复习讲义:Book 1 Unit 4 Earthquakes修改版.ppt

[高考]【人教版英语】步步高2012版大一轮复习讲义:Book 1 Unit 4 Earthquakes修改版.ppt

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[高考]【人教版英语】步步高2012版大一轮复习讲义:Book 1 Unit 4 Earthquakes修改版

Two-thirds of the people died or were _______ (受伤) during the earthquake. When the second earthquake happened , some of the _______ (救援)workers and doctors were trapped under ruins. It’s wrong for you to take _______ (躲避) under the tree in the storm. Many people went to the d______ area to help the victims as volunteers after the Wenchuan Earthquake happened. While I was cooking supper , the ______ (电) went off. 6. Her graduation from college was a great _______(事件) . I did not want to miss. 7. The professor was invited to give a s____ to our class. 8. I offer my hearty c______________ on your success. 9. The machine is driven by e . 10. A great many houses were d in the earthquake and many people became homeless. 1. The hurricane left the whole city in r . 2. It t my coat in the car door when I got out of the car. 3. He b into the room without knocking.  4. Many men were (埋葬) underground when the accident at the mine happened. 5. It is an area where natural (灾难) often happen. 6. The firemen (援救) the boy from the burning house.  7. Teachers have (表达) concern about the emphasis on testing. 8. I (祝贺) them all on their results ( 1 )________John working hard his lost time, his mother burst laughing. A. Seen; to keep up with; into B. Seeing; to make up; out C. Having seen; to catch up with; into D. On seeing; to make up for; out ( 2 )She into tears the moment she knew she had failed that exam. A. burst B. broke C. shocked D. cried ( 3 )On hearing the news that her son had won the game , she ______ laughter. A.burst out B. burst with C. burst into D. burst upon ( 1 )So seriously ______ in the accident that he was sent to hospital at once. A. she was wounded B. was she hurt C. sh


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