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1. balance n v unbalance imbalance 1)He asked the cashier for the ________ of his current account. 他向出纳员要了一份他活期存款账户的结单。 2)I spend half my wages and put the ________ in the bank. 我花了工资的一半,把余额存进银行。 3)The sudden movement threw him ______ balance. 突然的移动使他失去平衡。 4)Pulling up all the plants will disturb the_______ _________ of the pond. 把所有植物都拔掉会破坏池塘的自然平衡。 5)We need to ______ _____ __________ between these conflicting interests. 我们需要在这些利益冲突中找到平衡。 6)You have to _________ ______ __________ in your life or else you’ll go crazy. 你必须在生活中维持一种平衡,否则你会发疯的。 7)Tourists often ________ the delicate balance of nature on the island. 旅游者往往打乱岛上微妙的生态平衡。 8)It has been decided that,_____ _______, she is the best person for the job despite her lack of experience. 权衡利弊之后 9)Weigh that loaf of bread on the _________ please. 把那块面包放在秤上称一称。 10)The long-term future of the space programme hangs _____ ______ _________. 悬而未决 11)We have to ________ the risks of the new strategy against the possible benefits. 我们得权衡新策略的风险与可能带来的利益。 12)If I carry one bag in each hand, they _________ each other. 如果我每只手拿一只口袋,两只口袋的重量就互相抵消。 13)Richard __________ on the ball of one foot. 理查德用一只脚的大脚趾球保持站立平衡。 写出下列各句里的delight的词性和意思: 1. We were delighted to read your novel. 2. Your little daughter is a real delight. 3. I read your new book with real delight. 4. He delighted them with his excellent performance. 5. He enjoyed the delights of New Yorks night life. 6. Im delighted that you are back. 14.slip 名词 n. (1). 滑, 溜, 失足, 跌跤 [C] (2). 下降 (3). 小过失, 失误[(+of/in)] (4). 小纸片, 纸条 动词 v. slip slipped slipped (1). (使)滑动;(使)滑行 (2). 跌跤, 失足 (3). 滑落,滑掉;松脱 (4). (时间)不知不觉地过去,溜走, 悄悄过去 (5). 疏忽;不经意讲出;被遗忘 (6). 犯错误[(+up)] (7). (健康等)变坏;下降 (8). 穿上 (+ into / on), 脱掉(+out of / off ) (9). 塞入;暗中塞(钱等);把...塞给 词组链接: let slip 错过(机会,开价等), 脱口而出 slip sth. over on sb. = trick sb. 欺骗某人 give someone the slip 逃离某人, 躲避某人 15.split 名词 n. (1). 裂口, 裂缝 (2). 分裂, 分歧 (3).【口】一份,份额 动词v. split split split splitting (1). 被劈开,被切开; 裂开; 爆(劈


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