[高考]书面表达训练技巧 人教版 课件.ppt

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[高考]书面表达训练技巧 人教版 课件

步骤: 1-- 6 (1)审题—文体、核心内容、时态、人称 (2)拟基本点 – 找出5--6个动词或搭配,,包括的短语;进入基本点。 (3)连词成句 – 给出时间、地点、人称等 (4)连句成文 – 组句搭架,打好草稿 一、文体 书面表达的体裁有四种: 1.应用文 (practical writing) 2.说明文 (expository writing) 3.记叙文(narrative essays) 4. 论说文 (persuasive / argumentative essays) 1. 应用文(practical writing) 应用文包括书信、日记、便条、通知、讲演稿、履历表等。通常应用文都较简短,它有自己的固定格式,有些应用文连措辞都是相对固定的,如:欠条、请柬等。应用文重在应用、力求平实、准确简洁。 减负前后的变化: 周末活动(减负前) 周末活动(减负后) 白天:上课、做作业 白天:参观博物馆、 学习电脑、绘画等 晚上:做作业 晚上:看新闻、读书、 看报 就寝时间:11:30 就寝时间:10:00 Good beginning : Although there is still much debate over whether the plan of reducing students’ learning load should be carried out , it has indeed brought us many pleasant changes. Body: Take the weekend life for example. One month ago, we just attended classes and did our homework from morning till night. That left us very tired, and we had no time at all to do what we wanted. But now , as a result of less burden of studies, we can do whatever we like. Ending: As far as I am concerned, I strongly hold that this plan should be carried out continually not only because it gives us more space to develop our critical thinking and independent ability but also because we really feel much happier than ever before. 衔接的技巧 1) 使用衔接词或过渡词 because , but , therefore , instead , the most importance , besides , in addition (to), as a result (of) , at the same time, similarly, for example, generally speaking, …. 四、 书面表达的润色方法 (一)?? 增加较复杂的句子结构 1.? 状语前置 We met at the school gate and went there together early in the morning. 改写:Early in the morning ,we met at the school gate and went there together. 2005年文海月考作文(3.30测)。 根据内容提示:就“中国近10年旅游迅速发展的原因”进行分析,写一篇100-120词的短文。 1、生活水平提高;工作时间短了,假期长了。 2、旅游是放松的好方法,使人快乐健康。 3、旅游条件好,交通条件好,旅游公司服务好,新开发的旅游景点。 2005年文海月考作文。 As we all know, China’s t


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