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《现代电子技术》2005 年第 14 期总第 205 期 嵌入式与单片机
宋丽娟, 龚晓峰, 钟 猛
( 四川大学 电气信息学院 四川 成都 610065)
摘 要: 等值线是一种形和数的统一, 在许多领域是成果数据表示的重要图件之一。对工程应用中的等值线图的绘制方法进
行了研究, 常规的等值线绘制方法分为矩形网格法和不规则三角形网法2 种, 矩形网格法具有算法简单的优点。其绘制的步骤一
般为: 离散数据网格化、网格点数值化、等值点的计算、等值线的追踪、光滑和标记等值线。详细阐述了采用矩形网格法绘制的
步骤及其计算机实现。采用D elph i 开发了运用该法绘制等值线的软件, 可应用于不同的操作平台, 移植性好。
关键词: 等值线; 格网法; 距离加权插值; 等值线追踪
中图分类号: T P 31 文献标识码: B 文章编号: 1004 373X (2005) 14 065 03
A M ethod for Isoline plotting Ba sed on Rectangular Gr ids
SON G L ijuan , GON G X iaofeng , ZHON G M eng
(Schoo l of E lectricity and E lectronic Info rm ation, Sichuan U niversity, Chengdu, 610065, Ch ina)
Abs tra c t: Iso line is the unification betw een shape and data It is one of the impo rtant graph to exp ress the harvest datas in m any
fields T he m ethod of iso line p lo tting in the p ro ject app lication is researched T here are tw o groovy m ethods of iso line p lo tting , one
k ind is the algo rithm of rectangular grids, and ano ther k ind is the algo rithm of triangulated irregular netw o rk T he p rocess of iso line
p lo tting has the fo llow ing step s, w h ich are gridding the dispersed datas, num erating the grid po ints, calculating the equivalent
po ints, tracing the iso line, smoo th ing and m ark ing the iso line Expatiate the p rocess of iso line p lo tting w ith rectangular grids and
the m ethod how to com e ture it by computer T he softw are that is developed by D elph i th rough th is m ethod can app ly to th