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本资料来源于《七彩教育网》 高一英语读写练习题含答案 (总分100 时间60分钟) I. Choose the best answer:(20%) 1.At that time no one knew the ______of his picture.? ? A.price??????? B.value???????? C.name?????? D.work 2.An enemy soldier was found ______ in the forest. ?? A.die?????????? B.death???????? C.dead??????? D.to die 3.I know nothing about the man ______ the fact that he lives next door A.except???B.except for C.besides?? D.beside 4.He was knocked down by a car and badly ______. ?A.destroyed?? B.harmed C.injured??? D.ruined 5.“How about John?”“My uncle ______a good student.”????????? A.believes John?? B.considers John C.suggests John? D.knows John 6.The song he sang at the party ______the most popular of all . A.thinks to be B.is thought to he C.thought to be D.is thought 7.I dont think the bottles broken, ______?????????? A.is it????????? B.hasnt it????????? C.has it?????? D.isnt it 8.Which is ______ country, Canada or Australia????????? A.a large??????? B.a larger??????? C.the larger?????? D.larger 9.Why ______ a bad idea to ask Amy for advice?????????? A.do you think?? B.do you think is C.is it?? D.does it 10.Lincoln, ______ President of ______ United States, was assasinated(暗杀)on April 14th , 1865 .???? A.the; /??????? B./; the???????? C.the; the??????? D./; / 11.They are considering______ they should do the experiment .????? A.weather? B.that?? C.whether??? D.what 12.The doctor suggested he ______.??????????????????? A.not smoke?? B.don t smoke C.doesnt smoke?? D.no smoke 13.Which ______ more fat, cream or rice?????????????? A.contains??????? B.gives?????? C.produces???????? D.have 14.I prefer ______ washing to ______.?????????????????? A.doing; cooking??? B.do; cook C.doing; cook? D.do; cooking 15.I have read ______ book and Ive learned ______ .?? A.a great deal of; a lot of B.a great many; a lot C.a large number of; lots of D.plenty of; a lot of 16.Lincoln ______ slavery. He wanted ______ a new country of freedom . A.was against; set out? B.against ; set off


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