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八年级英语(上)期中练习 第一节 相信你能选得对。(5分) ( )1. Liven is _____than I am. A. funny and outgoing B. more funnier and outgoing C. funnier and more outgoing D. more funny and outgoing ( )2. Tina is ____ taller than Tara. A. more B. much C. very D. a lot of ( )3. Li Ping and Li Ming ____ black eyes. A. has B. have both C. both have D. both has ( )4. I ____ a primary school student two years ago. A. was B. am C. be D. were ( )5. I am going to Shanghai by air ___ Monday night. A. in B. at C. on D. of ( )6.Some students go to school by bus, _____ walk to school. A. other B. another C. others D. the others ( )7. It takes me an hour ______ to the hospital. A. by bus B. to walk C. on foot D. take ( )8. John ____ up at six o’clock and _____ to school at seven o’clock.. A. get, go B. get, goes C. gets, go D. gets, goes ( )9. A small number of students ____ bikes to school. A. ride B. rides C. takes D. take ( )10. When is lily going? She is going ____ July. A. in B. at C. on D. of ( )11. You’ll be ____ when you return from your vacation. A. relaxing B. relax C. relaxed D. relaxes ( )12. _____ are you staying in Shanghai? About three days. A. How long B. How far C. How often D. When ( )13. She ____ sightseeing tomorrow. A. go B. goes C. is going D. gos ( )14. What are you doing for vacation? I am ____ time with my friends. A. visiting B. seeing C. spending D. watching ( )15. You must ____ yourself and _______. A. look for, keep healthy B. look after, stay health C. look after, keep healthy D look for,stay health ( )1.----How often do you surf the Internet?-----____________. A. Three times a week B.A week three times C.Three weeks a time ( )2.Jack eats meat once______twice a month. A.or B.and C.but ( )3.A lot of vegetab



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