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应 用 生 态 学 报  200 1 年 2 月  第 12 卷  第 1 期                                  CHIN ESE J OU RNAL OF A PPL IED ECOL O GY ,Feb . 200 1 ,12 ( 1) ∶145~150 湿地生态系统设计的一些基本问题探讨 ( 中国科学院长春地理研究所 ,长春 13002 1) 崔保山  刘兴土   【摘要】 湿地生态系统设计是恢复 、调整湿地的重要手段. 本文从湿地生态系统设计概念入手 ,阐述了设计的基本 ( ) 原则. 较详细地讨论了设计中的指标 水文指标 、化学指标 、基质指标和生物指标 要求. 根据湿地生态系统设计的 用途不同 ,探讨了 3 种主要的湿地生态系统设计类型 ,即作为废水处理湿地的设计 ,作为调整湿地的系统设计和作 为洪水及非点源污染控制的湿地设计. 关键词  湿地生态系统  指标  生态工程类型 ( ) 文章编号  100 1 - 9332 200 1 0 1 - 0 145 - 06  中图分类号  X17 1. 4  文献标识码  A Discussion on some basic problems in design of wetland ecosystem. CU I Baoshan and L IU Xingtu ( Changchun I ns tit ute ) ( ) of Geog rap hy , Chinese A cademy of S ciences , Changchun 13002 1 . Chin . J . A pp l . Ecol . ,200 1 ,12 1 :145~150 . The design of wetland ecosystem is t he key and fundament in wetland restoration and mitigation . In recent years , it has been frequently applied to t he prop er construction of wetlands. The p ap er first reviews t he concept of wetland ecosystem design , as well as t he basis of ecological engineering , and t hen presented t he basic principles in t he design of wetland ecosystem . Some major ecological indicators including hydrology , chemical , substrate , soil and biotic indicatiors were also discussed ,and some reference values for ecological indicators were presented . On t he base of t he designing purposes ,t hree major t yp es in t he wetland design were analysed . They include constructing wetlands for wastewater treat ment , for miti


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