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分类号:F272.92 2012届本科生毕业论文 题目:论家族企业人力资源管理研究 作 者 姓 名: 学 号: 系(院)、专业: 经济管理学院、市场营销专业 指导教师姓名: 指导教师职称: 讲 师 2012年3月27日 Classification Number:F272.92 2012 Undergraduate Graduation Thesis Title: The Research of the Human Resources Management in Family Enterprise Name: Number: Department、specialtyEconomy Manage、Tutor name: Tutor title: ecturer 2012.3.27 摘 要 人力资源管理是企业发展与成功的关键因素之一,在当今社会受到了广泛的关注和重视。人力资源管理指根据企业发展战略的要求,有计划的对人力资源进行合理配置,通过对企业中员工的招聘、培训、使用、考核、激励、调整等一系列过程,调动员工的积极性,发挥员工的潜能,为企业创造价值,确保企业战略目标的实现。然而家族企业的人力资源管理是现今家族企业发展的关键瓶颈所在。本课题主要采取文献分析和理论分析的方法,参考国内外专家的研究成果并通过企业调研,对家族企业人力资源管理中出现的问题加以分析总结,并提出相关的对策。首先,通过企业的内部提拔以及外部招聘以不断的为企业引进人才注入新的血液。其次,改善公司内部的人员晋升机制。通过这些方法使家族企业良好有序发展,进一步带动国民经济的繁荣。 关键词:家族企业;人力资源;管理 ABSTRACT The human resources management is the enterprise development and the success key factors. It has been widespread concern and attention in today’s society. Human resources management of the business development strategy has plans for human resource reasonable configuration according to the requirements, the enterprise staff recruitments, training, use, evaluation, motivation, adjustment range of the process to mobilize the enthusiasm of the staff and develop the potential of employees, to create value for the enterprise, which can make sure the enterprise strategic target realization of. However, the family enterprise human resources management is the key to enterprise development bottleneck of family. This topic mainly adopts literature analysis and theory analysis method, referring to the domestic and foreign experts’ research results and through the investigation and research of enterprise human resource management on the family business, the problems in analysis, and puts forward the related countermeasures. First of all, th


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