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Course 3103SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 Advanced AdministrationModule 8: Create Shell Scripts
Novell Training Services
Module 8: Create Shell Scripts
Bash Basics
Use Basic Script Elements
Understand Variables and Command Substitution
Use Control Structures
Use Arithmetic Operators
Read User Input
Use Arrays
Finalize the Course Project
Use Advanced Scripting Techniques
Learn about Useful Commands in Shell Scripts
Objective 1: Bash Basics
Bash Basics
Before diving into shell scripting, let’s review some of the features of Bash:
Bash Command Line
Bash Variables
Return Values
Bash Command Line
A command entered on the command line consists of the command and optional arguments:
Messages that indicate normal or expected behavior are written to the file descriptor 1, Standard Out (stdout) which, in interactive use of Bash, is connected to the terminal where you entered the command:
geeko@da10:~ cp -a Photos /tmp
geeko@da10:~ cp -av Photos /tmp
Photos/vacation/beach.jpg - /tmp/Photos/vacation/beach.jpg
Bash Command Line (continued)
The error message is written to the file descriptor 2, Standard Error (stderr) which, in interactive use is also connected to the terminal where you entered the command:
To redirect stdout to a file, you use the operator (or to append to a file):
geeko@da10:~ cp -av Fotos /tmp
cp: cannot stat `Fotos: No such file or directory
geeko@da10:~ cp -av Photos /tmp output.txt
geeko@da10:~ cat output.txt
Photos/vacation/beach.jpg - /tmp/Photos/vacation/beach.jpg
Bash Command Line (continued)
To redirect stderr, you use the 2 operator:
You can also redirect stdout and stderr to separate files in one command line:
geeko@da10:~ cp -av Fotos /tmp 2 error.txt
geeko@da10:~ cat error.txt
cp: cannot stat ’Fotos’: No such file or directory
geeko@da10:~ cp -av Fotos Photos /tmp output.txt 2 error.txt
Bash Command Line (continued)
It is also possible to redirect stdout and stderr to on
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