学案:新课标人教版 选修7 UNIT 2 ROBOTS高中高一高二高三英语学案英语导学案下载UNIT 1 2 3 4 5每单元完整学案.doc

学案:新课标人教版 选修7 UNIT 2 ROBOTS高中高一高二高三英语学案英语导学案下载UNIT 1 2 3 4 5每单元完整学案.doc

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学案:新课标人教版 选修7 UNIT 2 ROBOTS高中高一高二高三英语学案英语导学案下载UNIT 1 2 3 4 5每单元完整学案

2012届高考英语顶尖学案:新课标人教版 此学案为QQ原创整理首发,转载请保留此信息。() Unit 2 Robots 机器人 核心词汇 1.When she was telling us about her headache,her real aim was just to gain our____________(同情). 2.It was a reasonable ____________(评估)and probably pretty close to the truth. 3.The opening____________(章)gives a general overview of the subject. 4.She got a ____________(兼职的)job to supplement the family income. 5.When climbing a mountain I advise beginners to use a ____________(手杖). 6.The baggage is two kilos____________(超重),so you have to pay two more dollars. 7.I like my clothes to be simple but ____________(优雅的). 8.I shall be pleased to go, if you will____________(陪伴)me. 9.用satisfy的适当形式填空 (1)Nothing____________her;she’s always complaining. (2)I am not at all____________with the present situation. (3)The service that the company offers all over the country is quite____________. (4)Last night they watched our performance with____________. 10.She ____________a lot of money and her____________for wealth made her put all her money in the bank.When she learned that it was possible that interest rate should be reduced,she almost went crazy.(desire) 1.sympathy 2.assessment 3.chapter 4.part-time 5.staff6.overweight 7.elegant 8.accompany 9.(1)satisfies(2)satisfied (3)satisfying (4)satisfaction 10.desired;desire 高频短语 1.________________ 试验;考验 2.________________ 给……打电话 3.________________ 转向;回转 4.________________ 不管,别惹;让……一个 人待着;和……单独在一起 5.________________ 将……放在一边;为……节 省或保留(钱或时间) 6.________________ 一共;总计 7.________________ 一定做…… 8.________________ 寻找 9.________________ 把……和……进行比较 10.________________ 更确切地说 11.________________ 对……低声说 12.________________ 爱上…… 1.test out 2.ring up 3.turn around 4.leave...alone 5.set aside 6.in all 7.be bound to 8.search pare ...with... 10.or rather 11.whisper to 12.fall in love with 重点句式 1.His name was Tony and he seemed ____________like a human ____________a machine. 他的名字叫托尼,与其说他看上去像一台机器,倒不如说更像一个人。 2.As she turned around,____________. 当她转过身时,她发现格拉迪丝·克拉芬就站在身旁。 3.Asi



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