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       790 2009 12         PET RO L EUM EX PL O RA T ION A N D DEV ELO PM ENT        V ol.36 N o.6  :1000-0747 (2009)06-0790-07 ——— 朱战军, 江永健, 程喆 (中国石油化工股份有限公司石油勘探开发研究院) :中国石化石油勘探开发研究院与中国石化东北分公司合作项目 :利用GC-M S 检测 术分析松辽盆地东岭区块烃源岩样品抽提物芳烃馏分(包括甲基菲系列、烷基二苯并噻吩系列、 脱羟基维生素E 和三芳甾烷系列化合物), 运用分子有机地球化学方法深入探讨该区块的芳烃组分特征并评价烃源岩成 熟度。研究结果表明, 芳烃化合物分布特征、甲基菲指数、脱羟基维生素E 的β/γ异构体比值、甲基二苯并噻吩比值4-/1- M DBT 、二甲基二苯并噻吩比值4, 6-/1,4-DM DBT 、三芳甾烷C27 (20R )/C28 (20R )值、三芳甾烷相对含量以及镜质体反射 率实测值和理论计算值均反映东岭区块下白垩统泉头组烃源岩热演化程度中等, 而下白垩统营城组和上侏罗统火石岭组 烃源岩演化程度较高, 泉头组烃源岩成熟度低于营城组和火石岭组烃源岩成熟度。 图6 表1 参19 :松辽盆地;东岭区块;烃源 ;成熟度;芳烃化合物 :T E122.1   :A Evaluating maturity of source rocks by aromatic compounds: A case from Dongling Block, Songliao Basin Zhu Z hanjun, Jiang Yo ngjian, Cheng Zhe (E xp lora tion P rod uction R esearch I ns titu te, S inop ec, B eij ing 100083, Ch ina ) Abstract:The cha acte istics of the the mal evo lutio n of a omatic matu ity pa amete s, such as methy l phenanth ene, alky lated dibenzo thiophe ne, dehyd o xy-tocophe o l and t ia omatic-ste ane se ies compounds we e discussed o n the basis of the molecula o ganic geo chemist y and the GC-M S analy sis of the so u ce o cks in the Dong ling a ea of Song liao Basin.T he dist ibutio n cha acte istics of a o matic ch o matog aphy, M P I, the a tio of β/γdehy d ox y-to co phe o l, 4-/1-M DBT, 4, 6-/1, 4-DM D BT, T A SC27 (20R )/C28 (20R ), the co nte nt of t ia oma tic-ste ane se ies a nd vit inite eflectance all sugg est that the L owe C etaceous Q uanto u Fo mation sou ce o ck is in the middle stag e of ma tu ity, whe ea s the Low e C etaceous Ying che ng Fo matio n and the Uppe Ju a sic Huoshiling Fo mation so u ce o cks each a high matu ity stag e. Key


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