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1999,五年前的北海富丽华大酒店 Furama Hotel Beihai in 1999 5 years before reestablishment 五年后……2014 AFTER FIVE YEARS…2014 依照白金五星级标准建设的北海富丽华大酒店,坐落于茶亭路,位于风光秀丽的北部湾畔 The Platinum 5-star Furama Hotel Beihai is located next to the beautiful Beibu Gulf and towards the northern side of Chating Road. 一边可尽享浩瀚无边的蔚蓝大海,一边可瞭望宽广无垠的城市视野,随时随地切换宁静与繁华 Your ride to the city allows you to listen to the soft whisper to the sea breeze in the background while enjoying the modern urban scenery of Beihai. 以银滩、南珠、海渔、岩貌四大北海本地元素结合色彩、空间设计,让整个酒店既体现北海特色又尽显国际化 The Silver Beach, south pearl, fishing and volcanic rock are the major design elements of the hotel. The design is not only shows an international taste but also the local characteristics. 海景全日制餐厅汇珍舫位于酒店一层,能容纳近300人同时用餐。可提供品质非凡的东西方珍馔美味以及丰富多样的国际式自助早晚餐,亦可提供全天候零点菜单 This 300-seat, casual yet chic sea view all day dining restaurant is located at level 1. It serves delectable Asian and Western cuisines from it’s a la carte menu , and also offers sumptuous International buffet breakfast and dinner. 中餐厅御园位于地下一层,拥有大厅及17个独立包厢,可容纳超过300位宾客同时享受由来自广州的获奖主厨带来的地道传统又不失灵感创意的粤菜及本地美食 This 300-seater majestic and elegant restaurant, located at lower level 1 has 17 tastefully designed private rooms offering a fine selection of authentic and traditional Cantonese cuisine and local favorites all cooked to perfection by the award winning head chef from Guangzhou. 可容纳140位宾客的海悦酒廊位于酒店大堂中心,提供美味可口的小食,宾客可在美丽迷人的中国南海的陪伴下尽情享用咖啡茗茶或鸡尾酒,度过悠闲的下午茶时光 The 140-seater Seaview Lounge is located at the upper center of the main lobby. Guests can enjoy a cup of freshly brewed coffee or tea or a glass of cocktail with snacks at the lounge while enjoying the tantalizing view of the South China Sea. 位于酒店三层的品味轩特色餐厅,可容纳50位宾客。客人们能在此体会到东西方美食碰撞所带来的奇妙感受,酒店的名厨会充分满足食客们的味蕾 This 50-seats theme restaurant serves fusion cuisines where guests are treated to a taste of ‘East meets West’. The celebrity chefs would be on-hand to attend to your personal requests. 酩月行政酒廊位于22层,同样可将壮丽的南中国海景尽收眼底。入住行政楼层的宾客还可在此办理入住和退房手续并享受免费专



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