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* * The New Years Concert of the Vienna Philharmonic The New Year Concert of the Vienna Philarmonic Orchestra is a concert of classical music that takes place each year in the morning of January 1 in of one billion in 57 countries. Powerpoint Show by DOINA Music: Radetzky March - Johann Strauss 维也纳爱乐乐团的新年音乐会(简介) 音乐:拉德茨基进行曲-约翰.施特劳斯 These concerts not only delight the audiences in the Musikverein in Vienna, but also enjoy great international popularity through the world wide television broadcasts, which now reach?over 57?countries. Originating during a dark period of Austrias history, these concerts were initially conceived for a local audience as a reminder of better times and a source of hope for the future. Today millions of people throughout the world are similarly encouraged by the light-hearted yet subtly profound character of this music, and draw joy and optimism for the New Year ahead. 金色大厅建于1869年。是意大利文艺复兴式建筑。外墙黄红两色相间,屋顶上竖立着许多音乐女神雕像,古雅别致。 The origin of the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra dates back to 28 March 1842, when Otto Nicolai, composer of The Merry Wives of Windsor, conducted a great concert promoted by all the orchestral musicians of the Royal Imperial Court Opera Theatre. The principles then laid down are still valid today, the orchestra being a self-governing, democratic institution. 金碧辉煌的建筑风格和华丽璀璨的音响效果使其无愧于金色的美称。 These concerts have been held in the Gro?er Saal (Large Hall) of the Wiener Musikverein since 1939. The flowers that decorate the concert hall are a gift each year from the city of Sanremo, Liguria, Italy. Info for music lovers: The Vienna Musiverein is famous for its Golden Hall – home to perhaps the most famous orchestra in the world, the Vienna Philharmonic. This Goldener Saal is famous for its mysterious acoustics that some have termed an acoustic “miracle”. The concert hall has 1,744 seats, and standing room for 300. “金色大厅”与维也纳爱乐之声相得益彰,“世界第一乐团” 与“世界首席音乐厅”交相辉映。 Conductors Clemens Krauss, 1939, 1941–19


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