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Saturn[??????] (Cronus) Devouring One of His Children Cronus was given a stone in place of Zeus and Zeus was raised in a cave in Crete. In Crete, Zeus was raised by a goat-nymph named Amalthea which produced ambrosia(神食). The bees brought him honey and an eagle would bring him nectar(神酒). He grew into manhood in less than a year. c. Titanomachy After Zeus grew up, Cronus was overthrown by Zeus in Titanomachy [?tait??n?m?ki] (“battle with Titans”) The two sides of Titanomachy: the Olympian gods, Themis(忒弥斯), Prometheus, the 3 Cyclopes, the 3 100-handers --- the Titans Metis (墨提斯), goddess of wisdom, gave Zeus a potion to cause Kronos to vomit out Zeus’ siblings(兄弟姐妹). Zeus is assisted to victory in Titanomachy by the 3 Cyclopes and the 3 100-handers, the 3 Cyclopes forged weapons; 100-handers hurl(扔) huge boulders(大石头) with their 100 hands arms Cyclopes Zeus’ Thunderbolt Poseidon’s Trident Hades and the Cerberus[?????????] The Result of Titanomachy The titans were defeated in the war and were sent to Tartarus. Zeus came into power. He and his brothers, Poseidon, Hades divided the world by drawing lots. Zeus, the sky; Poseidon, the sea; Hades, the underworld. Earth and Olympus were common properties. Atlas—— 栋梁之才,担负重任的人;地图集 Reflection of the ancient Greek society. (1) The relationship between husband and wife (2) The relationship between father and son What happened to Cronus after the war? At first, Cronus was imprisoned under Tartarus. Later, he was set free by Zeus and became the king of the Golden Age. The Golden Age Led pure and joyous lives, thinking no evil, and doing no wrong. The earth brought forth fruits and flowers without toil(劳作) or labor. War was unknown. Mortals lived hundreds of years. After their death, they became spirits in Hades, watching over and protecting those they had loved and left behind on earth. The Silver Age Human beings had a long childhood, which lasted a hundred years. They lived short in their adulthood(成人期) Cro


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