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电商专业英语----英文辩论稿 双方版.doc

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电商专业英语----英文辩论稿 双方版

立论 【正1:】3’ 在座的老师,同学,对方辩友,大家好,我方的观点是,电子商务当然不能取代传统商务。尽管,自从 1996 年 IBM 公司首次提出了电子商务的概念,随着网络不断发展,电子商务日益被广大人民所接受。在电子商务刚刚兴起的时候,很多人认为:电子商务将取代传统销售业,传统的销售业将消亡,但是经过几年的发展,从世界销售业发展的态势分析,电子商务的出现,反而使销售业的各个环节都发生了变化,但并不能取代传统的销售业debaters. Hello everyone. Our view is that E-commerce cannot complectly replace traditional commerce.In 1996, the concept of e-commerce was firstly proposed by IBM.In recent years,with the rapid development of computer science and modern technology,E-commerce has been increasingly accepted and widely used by the public. Therefore, some scholars predicted that e-commerce would complectly replace the traditional commerce. However, as time went by, the expected results didn’t turn up. Admittedly,e-commerce has been one kind of driving force for the promotion of every section of sales and marketing, rather than a substitute of the traditional commerce. Taking catering industry as an example. Traditional commerce can give customers intuitive and profound cultural experience by providing special indoor decorating and distinctive services.while e-commerce can only leave an audio and vedio impression,which may eventually lead to an unsubstantial experience.Why there are so many restaurants pay such more attention on the indoor decorating and dining atmosphere,because the whole dining process or even diet cultural are the sellers top concern,as opposed to focus on the food quality only.and this spiritual care of meal can only be offered by traditional commerce. In addition,sense of trust is another problem which can not be ignored.Because the network is virtual,it is difficult for the buyers and sellers to develop a mutual and long-lasting trust between each other,which forms another barrier for online transactions.What’s more, the ambigious and exaggerating information about the products and the rising number of fraud or dishonesty also intensify the distrust between the traders.So if the distrust of e-com itself cannot be resolved,it is more likely to prevent the e


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