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浅析打工电影《天堂凹》的救赎主题 摘 要 上世纪改革开放以来,我国东南沿海地区经济迅速发展,数以百万计的打工者涌向沿海城市。打工者特殊的生活经验、情感经历、奋斗历程,都给文学增添了新的元素。本文以打工电影《天堂凹》为研究对象,探讨打工电影的救赎主题。本文共分为五部分:前两部分介绍打工文学的背景及电影《天堂凹》的主题,第三部分分析《天堂凹》的救赎叙事,第四部分探究《天堂凹》救赎主题的叙事技巧,第五部分讨论救赎主题之于打工体裁电影的意义。 Study on the Redemptive Narration of the Movie Freeway Abstract:Tens of millions of people have been migrating to the costal areas of southeastern China where the economy grows rapidly since the implementation of reform and opening up policy. Migrant workers’special life experiences, their struggles in love life as well as career never fail to provide fresh inspirations for modern Chinese literature. Therefore, since 80th period the literature of on the theme of rural migrants born with the author and reader who are migrant workers. These year, the literature of on the theme of rural migrants is approaching to the culture of consumption, and combine with industrial producing. Finally, the movie on the theme of rural migrants appears. This paper makes a close study of Freeway, a movie about the lives of migrant workers and explores the theme of redemption in the movie. The paper comprises five parts: Part 1 and Part 2 introduces the background of literature about migrant workers and the theme of Freeway; Part 3 analyzes the movie’s narration; Part 4 further examines the narrative techniques of the movie; Part 5 discusses the role the theme of redemption plays in movies about migrant workers. Key words:the literature on the theme of rural migrants the movie on the theme of rural migrants 目 录 1 前言 2研究综述 3 《天堂凹》的救赎叙事 3.1不同身份人物的救赎 3.2相同身份人物的救赎 4 《天堂凹》救赎主题的叙事技巧 4.1以微笑表现痛苦:悲喜剧的表现手法 4.1.1情节突转的喜剧手法传达悲剧气氛 4.1.2道德胜利的结尾埋下悲剧种子 4.1.3黑色幽默技巧凸显悲剧色彩 4.2隐喻烘托救赎主题 4.2.1 “硬币”的隐喻 4.2.2 “马桶”和“香水”的隐喻 5 救赎主题之于打工体裁电影的意义 5.1.《天堂凹》对以往救赎主题的继承与突破 5.2 《天堂凹》的人文关怀精神 5.2.1关注底层人物生存的艰难处境 5.2.2关注底层人物的身份认同 6结语.............................................................................................................................8 参考文献 致谢 成绩评定表.....................



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