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学生顶岗实习管理系统 摘要 随着高专教育的不断发展,高等职业教育两年制改革的推行,我院于2011年在09级学生中开始实行高职新”2+1”教育模式;两年在校学习,一年生产顶岗实习、实训。新“2+1”模式以两年制高职教育为基础,通过顶岗实习专业培训或综合培训使学生获得职业岗位技能和自身综合素质的全面提升。部分本科学生最后一学期,因特殊原因不能在校完成毕业设计,需在外顶岗实习。由于最后一年学生在外顶岗实习,学生的顶岗实习质量直接影响着学生的成才与就业因而这一环节的管理与指导显的尤为重要,一方面,我们要让学生一年岗位实习满意,能受益非浅,毕业后能获得一个不错的职位,另一方面能让老师对学生顶岗实习及就业指导高效快捷地开展进行;再者就是让学院的管理层及时了解学生的实习动态及就业情况。在这种背景下,我准备设计、开发一套符合本校、功能完善的基于web的学生顶岗实习管理系统。主要内容如下: 1.教师客户端功能 登陆后可以修改自己的密码和个人信息 可以查看所有学生的个人信息和实习信息。 可以根据学号查询学生的个人及实习信息。 可以发布通知。 可以进行组织管理,及对系别和班级的管理。以供学生注册时选择。 2.学生客户端功能 注册自己的个人信息。 登陆后可以修改自己的密码和个人信息。 查看老师发布的信息。 添加、修改和管理自己的实习信息。 关键字:学生顶岗实习;JSP+Servlet;Mysql;Myeclipes;tomcat;MVC; struts;spring;hibernate Students internship management system Abstract With the continuous development of higher vocational education, system reform of higher occupation education two years of implementation, our hospital started to implement the new 2+1 mode of Higher Vocational Education in 2011 in the class of 09; two years at school, one year production practice, practice. The new 2+1 mode on the basis of two-year higher vocational education system, through the practice of professional training or training to enable students to obtain the occupation skill and their comprehensive ability. Some students last semester, because of special reasons not in school completed the graduation design, practice in external field. Because the practice of final year students in the internship, students internship directly affects the quality of talent and employment of students and the management and guidance of this link is very important, on the one hand, we should let the students a year job training satisfaction, can benefit not shallow, can get a good job after graduation, on the other hand can make the teacher practice of students in the post and employment guidance is convenient and efficient to carry out; furthermore is to make management college students practice dynamic and timely understanding of the employment situation. In this context, I am ready to design,


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