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长白山野外综合实习论文 柳兰传粉生物学研究 学生姓名:杨玉竹 舒衡遥 陈紫琦 蔡露 黎森 庞文燕 王启迪 指导教师:孙明洲 实习组别:第七组 实习时间:2016 年7 月3 日——2016 年7 月14 日 中国·长春 20 16 年 9 月 第 1 页 共 10 页 柳兰传粉生物学研究 杨玉竹,陈紫琦,舒衡遥,蔡露,黎森,庞文燕,王启迪 (东北师范大学 生命科学学院,吉林 长春 130024 ) 摘要:柳兰 (Chamaenerion angustifolium (L.) Scop )为柳叶菜科柳兰属多年生草本植物,花朵秀美,花色艳丽, 夏季花朵开放繁茂,且花期长,具有较高的观赏价值,在园林绿化美化中具有很好的应用前景。本研究以露水 河镇公路旁野生柳兰为研究材料,研究了柳兰开花传粉习性。柳兰具总状花序,花粉紫色,传粉方式主要为虫 媒授粉。本研究通过观察统计了柳兰开花朵数对其访花者访花次数的影响,发现二者是明显正相关的,访花者 的访花次数的随花朵数增加而明显增加。 柳兰的主要访花者是:蜜蜂、熊蜂、蝶类、蝇类等昆虫,其中访花频 率较高、较稳定的访花者为蜜蜂;访花高峰期主要是在中午期间。阳光直射会影响环境温度、花朵开放程度以 及挥发性化学物质的挥发等,在一定程度上有助于访花者访花。 关键词: 露水河地区;柳兰;花朵数;光照;传粉生物学 Abstract :The willow herb (Chamaenerion angustifolium ( l.) Scop) is a willow herb genera perennial herb aceous plants, flowers and elegant, design and color is gorgeous, lush summer flowers open, and long flowering, has hig h ornamental value, has the very good application prospect in landscape beautification. This study using wild willow he rb dew river town road as research materials,research the willow herb flowering pollination behavior willow herb raceme, purple, pollen pollination mainly entomophily pollination. This study by observing the statistics of the nu mber of willow herb flowers open for their pollination pollination times, found that they are significantly positive correl ation, pollination of pollination times increased significantly with the increase of number of flowers. Chiefs visit to the f lower of the willow herb is: bees, bumblebee, butterfly, flies and other insects, pollination frequency is higher, more sta ble for the bee pollination, during the peak period of pollination is mainly in the middle of the day.Direct sunlight will affect the environment temperature, degree of bloom and evaporation of volatile chemicals,


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