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摘 要
U-tube heat exchanger mechanical design of E-2103
Heat exchanger is the equipment that transfers a part of heat from the hot fluid to the cold. It is the kind of equipment that can make materials achieve the specified temperature to meet the technological requirements. Heat exchange is the universal equipment for the chemical, petroleum, power, food and other industrial sectors, which occupies an important position. And it has been applied more and more.
The main content of the design is the U-shaped tube exchanger. In the design process, the designer depends on strict accordance with GB150-1998, GB151-1999, Mechanical Design Handbook for design and calculation .Various factors taken into account, the structural design is reasonable and economic, while it satisfies the requirements of the manufacture, maintenance, assembling, transportation and so on. The heat exchanger materials and the size of main structures have been chosen properly to meet the strength, stiffness, stability, hydrostatic testing and other verification requirements.
According to the design pressure of the wall thickness, there is enough sufficient corrosion allowance so that the design results achieve optimum combination. Also, the contents have expressed the classification, use, development trends and a part of the structure of the manufacturing process for the heat exchanger. In this design process, the designer has completed the design specifications, a general assembly and three spare parts drawings, and completed a foreign language translation.
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