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淮海工学院 2010-2011-1 《公共行政管理专业英语》 课 程 论 文 题 目: Public and Private Management 姓 名: 石 柳 学 号: 150821108 系 (院): 法 学 院 专业班级: 行政管理081班 公共行政管理专业英语论文 Public and Private Management Are they fundamentally alike in all unimportant respects? (它们在所有不重要的方面是基本相同的吗?) Abstract:The comparison of the similarities and differences between public and private managements is one of the major topics for scholars and practitioners in the fields of public administration and business administration .This article could provide US some judgments about the important contents of public and private management, then the answer to the question whether public and private managements are alike is very clear: public and private managements are different. Although the original intention of the mode of enterprises is good, the ideas and methods in private management introduced into public administration should be limited. Keywords:public management;private management;similarities;differences ◆ What is public management? Public management is public practice activities which based on public authority and a social intermediary organization, to realize mass participation and public interest using a variety of ways and methods. 1 It is an integral part of public administration and public affairs, the key lies in seeing public administration as an occupation, while seeing the public managers as the professional practitioners. The Mushkin report notes the definition of “public management” employed by the Interagency Study Committee on Policy Management Assistance in its 1975 report on OMB. That study identified the Policy Management, Resource Management and Program Management. The Mushkin report rejects this definition in favor of an “alternative list of public management elements”. These elements are: personal management and labor management relations, work


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