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摘 要 随着我国社会经济发展和城市化进程的加快,我国城市公共交通虽然有了较快发展,但城市交通拥堵、居民出行不便的问题依旧突出,严重影响了城市发展和居民生活质量的提高。 本系统结合公交车的实际应用、社会发展现状,经过实际的需求分析,采用功能强大的Delphi 7和SQL SERVER开发出来的公交车调度、查询系统。 整个系统根据人们的实际需要,从系统操作简便、互动友好的界面、可扩展、可维护、安全的要求出发,完成对公交车的时间间隔、公交车时刻表的安排,公交车的调度安排部署、公交车路线的查询、公交车车次的查询等全过程,包括公交车车次、公交车路线、公交车调度安排、公交车调度车辆的录入;对公交车调度信息的发布,对公交车的相关信息的统计 ;公交线路的查询系统;管理人员的增删、新管理人员的添加、新的公交车辆的录入、公交公司的信息管理、数据备份之类的维护系统。从而适应当前的整个城市生活的发展要求。 本系统可以制作成公交信息多媒体查询系统,放置于城市的主要场所,不仅可以体现出一个城市的智能公交系统的发展水平,更可以显示出城市的数字化、信息化水平。公共交通智能化是城市交通的发展方向,也是我国今后城市交通的重点发展目标。它的开发利用也必将促进城市公交更好地服务城市、服务群众。 关键词 公交车 调度 查询 Delphi7.0 SQL Sever数据库 Title The bus adjusts the degree and the search system design Abstract With the rapid development of economy and urbanization in our country, Although the public transportation in our cities has developed quickly,the problems in traffic jams and inconvenience for residents is serious. It affects the urban development and the residents quality of life enhancement seriously. The system combines public transportation actual application with the social development present situation. Through the actual demand analysis, this text developed a system for the dispatch and inquiry of public transportation by Delphi 7 and SQL SERVER. According to peoples actual need and the request of interaction amity of interface, extendibility, maintainability and safety, The system completes the whole process, that is, the arrangement for the public transportation time-gap and timetable; the public transportation dispatch arrangement deployment; the public transportation route inquiry ; the public transportation coach number inquiry and so on. The system also includes the input for the public transportation coach number, the public transportation route, the public transportation dispatch arrangement and the public transportation dispatches; the public transportation dispatch information issue, the public transportation related information statistics; the Public transportation line inquiry system; the additions and del


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