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摘 要 啤酒工业在我国迅猛发展的同时,排出了大量的啤酒废水,给环境造成了极大的威胁。本设计为某啤酒废水处理设计。设计程度为初步设计。啤酒废水水质的主要特点是含有大量的有机物,属高浓度有机废水,故其生化需氧量也较大。该啤酒废水处理厂的处理水量为2100,不考虑远期发展。原污水中各项指标为:BOD浓度为1100 mg/L ,COD浓度为2100 mg/L ,SS浓度为310 mg/L 。因该废水BOD值较大,不经处理会对环境造成巨大污染,故要求处理后的排放水要严格达到国家二级排放标准,即:BOD ≤ 20 mg/L ,COD ≤ 100 mg/L ,SS ≤ 70mg/L 。 本文分析了啤酒生产中废水产生的环节,污染物及主要污染来源,并从好氧、厌氧生物处理两方面来考虑了废水治理工艺,提出了UASB+CASS的组合工艺流程。可将废水COD由2200 mg/L降至50~100 mg/L ,BOD从1100mg/L降至20 mg/L以下,SS由400 mg/L降到70 mg/L以下,出水符合标准。 本设计工艺流程为: 啤酒废水 → 格栅 → 污水提升泵房 → 调节池 → UASB反应器 → CASS池 → 处理水 该处理工艺具有结构紧凑简洁,运行控制灵活,抗冲击负荷,污泥量小等特点,实践表明该组合工艺处理性能可靠,投资少,运行管理简单的特点。为啤酒工业废水处理提供了一条可行途径。具有良好的经济效益、环境效益和社会效益。 关键词: 啤酒废水 UASB CASS Abstract With the rapid development of brewery industry in China, more brewery wastewater is discharged, which endangers enviroment.This design is one beer waste water treatment. The degree of the design is in a preliminary phase. The main distinguishing feature of the beer waste water is that it contains the massive organic matters, so it belongs to the high concentration organic waste water, therefore its biochemical oxygen demand is also high. The water which needs to treatment in the beer waste water treatment plant is 2100, regardless of the specified future development. Various target in the raw waste water is: the concentration of BOD is 1100 mg/L , the concentration of COD is 2100 mg/L , the concentration of SS is 310 mg/L . For the beer waste waters BOD is high, it could pollute the environment if drained before treatment, so it request the beer waste water which drained must be strictly treated to the two effluence standard in the country, which is as following: BOD ≤ 20 mg/L , COD ≤ 100 mg/L , SS ≤ 70 mg/L . This paper analyzes the generation processes of wastewater, the major contaminats and their major sources in beer production. It also introduces the primary biological processing techniques of aerobic and anaerobic treatment. According to the product scale of beer brewery, the main standard of draining water\natural materi



xingyuxiaxiang + 关注


