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对或有事项会计处理的分析 摘要:近年来,随着我国市场经济的不断发展和现代企业制度的建立,企业面临的诸如未决诉讼、未决仲裁、票据贴现、债务担保等或有事项越来越多。在市场经济环境下,企业的生产经营活动会受到众多不确定因素的影响,从而产生了各种或有事项。 或有事项作为特殊的不确定性事项,是不确定性会计的重要内容。或有事项作为特殊的不确定性事项,随着我国社会主义市场经济的发展,或有事项普遍存在于企业的经营活动中,对财务会计信息以及经营决策的影响也越来越大,如何正确处理、合理披露或有事项越来越受到广大投资者和管理层的重视。 本文从或有事项的概念和特征等基本内容进行了分析,分析了或有事项的披露形式,企业对或有事项会计处理存在的问题以及如何完善企业对或有事项会计处理等方面进行了一些相关的研究和分析。从我国政府有关部门应加强对或有事项会计处理问题的研究和企业财会人员还应不断提高对或有事项会计问题的理论认识水平和实务操作能力等方面提出了一些合理化建议。或有事项作为一种潜在因素直接影响着企业的持续经营和发展,因此我们必须认真对待处理。 关键字:或有事项 会计处理 预计负债 Abstract: In recent years, developed and modern enterprise systems establishment unceasingly along with our country market economy, the enterprise faces such as the pending action, the unsettled arbitration, the bill discount, the security for loan and so on or has the item to be getting more and more. Under the market economy environment, enterprises production and operating activities can receive the numerous elements of certainty the influences, thus has produced each kind or has the item. Or has the item to take the special uncertainty item, is the uncertainty accountants important content. Either has the item to take the special uncertainty item, along with our country socialist market economy development, either has the item to exist generally in enterprises operative activity, the information as well as operating decisions influence is also getting bigger and bigger to financial inventory accounting, how to process, the reasonable disclosure correctly or have the item to receive the general investors and the management value more and more. This article from or had the item concept and the characteristic and so on basic content has carried on the analysis, has analyzed either has the item disclosure form, how the enterprise to or has item accountant to process the existence the question as well as to consummate the enterprise to or has item accountant to process and so on aspects to conduct some related research and the analysis. Should strengthen from our country Government Depar


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