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  PAGE            本科生期末论文    ( 2009届 )      题 目: 嘉莉妹妹欲望背后的社会驱动力   学 院: 行 知 学 院    专 业: 英 语    学生姓名: 金飞慧 学号:    指导教师: 江玉娇 职称: 教授    合作导师: 职称:     完成时间: 2011 年 12 月     成 绩:           PAGE              目录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u    HYPERLINK \l _Toc312524379 Abstract 1   HYPERLINK \l _Toc312524380 摘 要 1   HYPERLINK \l _Toc312524381 1. Introduction 2   HYPERLINK \l _Toc312524382 2. The Social Motivations behind Carrie’s Desires 2    HYPERLINK \l _Toc312524383 2.1 The Development of Industrialization and Urbanization 2   HYPERLINK \l _Toc312524384 2.2 The Prevalence of Consumerism 3  HYPERLINK \l _Toc312524385 2.3 The Vocation of American Dream 4   HYPERLINK \l _Toc312524386 3. Conclusion 4  HYPERLINK \l _Toc312524387 Works Cited 5        PAGE 2    The Social Motivations behind Carrie’s Desires Jin Feihui       Abstract:Theodore Dreiser relates a story of Carrie’s rise from a poor country girl to a Broadway star in his masterpiece Sister Carrie. In the novel, Dreiser simply describes human beings such as the heroine Carrie, with desires driven by the force of society. This paper from the starting point of the American social situation during the century turning point, analyzes the social motivations behind Carrie’s desires which includes the industrialization, urbanization, consumerism and American Dream.   Key words: desire; consumerism; American Dream                嘉莉妹妹欲望背后的社会驱动力   金飞慧     摘 要:西奥多·德莱塞的代表作《嘉莉妹妹》讲述的农村少女嘉莉从社会的底层一跃而成为百老汇明星的故事。在小说中,德莱塞对像女主人公嘉莉这类欲望受社会驱使的人进行了简要的描述,此文从世纪之交的美国社会状况,分析了嘉莉的欲望背后社会驱动力,其中包括工业化、城市化、消费主义和美国的梦    关键词: 欲望; 消费主义; 美国梦                                               The Social Motivations behind Carrie’s Desires 0909107(English)Jin Feihui    Tutor: Jiang Yujiao       Introduction    Theodore Dreiser (1871 - 1945)


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