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内 容 摘 要 当前,预应力混凝土被广泛的使用于各种中小跨度的桥梁中,而且大量采用预应力混凝土将是未来桥梁发展的趋势;T形截面受力明确,构造简单,施工方便,是中小跨径中应用最广泛的桥型。在本次毕业设计中,对目前在公路桥梁中经常使用的预应力混凝土简支T型梁桥的设计做了全面的介绍。从施工难易程度和结构形式考虑,预应力混凝土简支T型梁桥都更能符合设计要求和工程实际。结合实际情况,本次设计是中等跨径桥,本方案选择预应力混凝土T形简支梁桥。结构计算着重进行了上部结构的计算,包括截面尺寸的拟定,内力计算,配筋设计,施工阶段和使用阶段的应力验算,承载能力极限状态强度验算,刚度验算,变形验算。 关 键 词 预应力混凝土;T型梁桥;结构计算;截面设计 Title?of?the 35 meters of prestressed concrete simply supported T beam bridge design Author: Li Fujun Instructor: Xie Xiaopeng Abstract At present, the prestressed concrete is widely used in all kinds of medium and small span bridges, and a large number of pre-stressed concrete will be the future development trend of bridge; T shaped clear force, simple structure, convenient construction, is most widely applied in medium and small span bridges. From the degree of difficulty of construction and the structure, the prestressed concrete simply supported T beam bridge can meet the design requirements and the practical engineering. With the actual local situation, this design is medium span bridge, the scheme selection of prestressed concrete T beam bridge. Structure calculation are focused on the upper structure calculations, including the section size formulation, calculation of internal force, reinforcement design, construction stage and using stage of stress calculation, bearing capacity limit state of strength checking, rigidity, deformation calculation. Keywords Prestressed concrete ; T beam bridge; Calculation Structure; Section design 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc325746763 一、工程概述 PAGEREF _Toc325746763 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc325746764 二、 设计资料及构造布置 PAGEREF _Toc325746764 \h 2 HYPERLINK \l _Toc325746765 (一)设计资料 PAGEREF _Toc325746765 \h 2 HYPERLINK \l _Toc325746766 (二)横截面布置 PAGEREF _Toc325746766 \h 4 HYPERLINK \l _Toc325746767 (三)横截面沿跨长的变化 PAGEREF _Toc325746767 \h 8 HYPERLINK \l _Toc325746768 (四)横隔梁的设置 PAGEREF _Toc325746768 \h 8 HYPERLINK \l _Toc325746769 三、 主梁作用效应计算 PAGEREF _Toc325746769 \h 9 HYPERLINK \l _Toc325746770 (一


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