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本科毕业设计(论文)说明书 MPI关键源代码初步分析 学 院 软 件 学 院 专 业 软 件 工 程 学生姓名 指导教师 提交日期 2008年 06月 11日 摘 要 集群技术的出现,很大程度上打破了高性能计算机市场的格局。在相当一部分领域,原本成本极高,且容易出现故障的高性能计算机,被成本低廉,稳定性相对高的机群所代替。随着高性能计算技术的不断发展,如何更好地利用机群系统,设计出高效稳定的并行算法,是目前计算机科学领域研究的热点之一,且具有广泛的应用背景和使用价值。 常用的并行编程标准由MPI、PVM等,其中消息传递接口MPI以其移植性好、功能强大、效率高等优点而成为目前最主要的并行编程工具。本文选用MPI众多实现中一个最重要的实现:MPICH,初步分析其中的关键函数的源代码。 本文从点对点通信的标准发送函数发送入手,阐述了MPICH的层次嵌套结构及每一层主要实现的功能。通过源代码分析,阐述了整个程序的流程以及关键语句的作用。随后,通过分析一个具体的例子,将MPICH中从用户接口到底层传输的整个流程做了具体分析。 最后总结了本论文所做工作的经验与不足,以及需要继续研究的问题。 关键字:MPI,并行程序设计,源代码分析 Abstract The appearance of cluster technologe broke the parrern of high-performance computer market in large extent. In some area, the high-cost and easy-failure high-performance computer are replaced by low-cost and high-stability cluster. With the development of high-performance computing technology, how to make better use of the cluster, design out high-effect and stable parallel pargram is one of the hot spot in computer science field at present, also has broadly applying background and practical value. Some common used parallel programming standards are MPI, PVM etc. MPI standard is welcomed because of its portability, powerful function and efficiency and become the most leading tools. In this paper, we choose one of the most impotant implementation of MPI, MPICH, to analyze its source code of some key functions. In this paper, we begin with the standard send function in point-to-point communication and describe the structure and the main functions of each level. With the analying of source code, the circuit of the whole program and the use of some key sentences are described. Moreover, a specific example is analyzed and we depict all the processes from userinterface to information transmission in bottom. At last, the work and experience of this paper is summaried and the issues that need further research are pointed out. Keyword: MPI, Parallel Programming, Source Code


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