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毕 业 论 文(设 计) 题 目: 激光扫描测径仪的系统设计 (英文): System design of a laser-scanned diameter gauge 院 别: 机电学院 专 业: 机械电子工程 姓 名: 学 号: 指导教师: 日 期: 2010年6月 激光扫描测径仪系统的设计 摘要 激光扫描测径仪系统是一种基于光学技术、现代激光、电子学、计算机、精密机械等多学科技术于一体在线检测系统。它是用可见激光作为光源,把被测对象的几何尺寸经过扫描光学系统和光电变换系统转变成电信号,再由计算机进行实时数据处理,给出测量结果,并数字显示。论文论述了激光扫描测径仪在线检测系统的工作原理,并对这类系统进行了总体设计,最后探讨了影响系统稳定性和精度的基本因素及解决方法。本设计具有检测速度快、精度高、非接触检测、闭环控制等特点,完全适用于回转体直径尺寸的在线检测和控制,尤其是热的、软的和运动的被测对象。 关键字:测径仪;激光扫描;测量精度;精密结构;单片机 System design of a laser-scanned diameter gauge ABSTRACT Laser scanning caliper gauge is an on-line detection system, which integrates many modern technologies such as laser, electronics, computer, precision machinery technology etc. In the system, visible laser is used as the light source. The informations of the geometric dimension of the tested object are obtained through a scanning optical system and transformed into electrical signals by a photoelectric transformation system. The electrical signals are real-time processed by a computer and the measurement results are displayed through a digital display in the end. In the paper, firstly the working principle of laser scanning caliper gauge was discussed, then an intact system of a laser-scanned diameter gauge was designed and the basic factors which influences the accuracy and stability of the system is discussed and the solving methods were put forward. This system has characteristics of detection speed, high precision, non-contact detection, the closed-loop control etc. It is completely suitable for on-line detection of the diameter size of a rotary parts especially for hot, soft and movement tested objects. Key words : Laser scanning; Measurement accuracy; Precise structure; Single chip processor 目录 1.绪论 1 1.1前言 1 1.2国内外发展现状 1 1.3系统工作原理及总体结构 3 1.3.1系统工作原理 3 1.3.2系统总体结构 3 1.4基本功能和主要技术指标 4 1.4.1测径仪的基本功能 4 1.4.2测径仪的主要技术指标 4 2.



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