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时间:15分钟 满分:50分 年级 学校 住址所在区 联系电话 答案核对 请至服务中心或致电学而思培优热线4006-566-196。 报班条件 本测试题只针对没有上过乐加乐六年级暑假和秋季课程的新学员。 25分以上(包括25分)的学生可报班。 一、单项选择(每题分,共分) “x” in the word “box”. A. a B. an C. the D. / ( ) 2. --- Which class won the match in the end? --- I’m not quite sure. Perhaps ______ did. A. Class Third B. Third Class C. Class Three D. Three Class ( ) 3. --- Is this Mr. Green’s car? --- No. ______ is over there. A. His B. He C. Theirs D. Him ( ) 4. There ______ on the plate. They are very delicious. A. are tomatoes B. are tomatos C. is a tomato D. is tomatos ( ) 5. Taking buses in Beijing is ______ than taking a taxi. A. more cheap B. cheaper C. cheap D. less cheaper ( ) 6. Jack and I ______ the film Titanic three days ago. It is very moving. A. watched B. were watching C. watch D. are watching ( ) 7. --- Must I get up early tomorrow? --- Yes, you ______. You should go to school on time. A. can B. may C. can’t D. must ( ) 8. --- How can I go to the supermarket, Kate? --- _______ bike. It’s not far from here. A. On B. By C. In D. With ( ) 9. --- Did you get up early this morning? --- Yes, I ______. I can’t be late for Xueersi. A. do B. does C. didn’t D. did ( ) 10. --- When did your uncle _______ Shanghai? --- The day before yesterday. A. arrive at B. get C. arrive in D. reach in ( ) 11. He _______ very busy every day, but he ______ free next week. A. will be; is B. is; is C. will be; will be D. is; will be ( ) 12. --- ______ the car it is? --- It is Mary’s. A. What B. Who C. Whose D. Which ( ) 13. There is going to be a teaching building here. It ______ in September. A. builds B. is built C. will be built D. will build ( ) 14. --- Which do you prefer, Xi Yangyang or Mei Yangyang? --- ______. I think I like Hui Tailang. A. None B. N


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