英语说课比赛课件 descrbing things 20号.ppt

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英语说课比赛课件 descrbing things 20号

Part one Analysis of the teaching material Part two Analysis of the students Part three The teaching method Part four Studying ways Part five Teaching procedures Part one Analysis of the teaching material Part two Analysis of the students Part three The teaching method Part four Studying ways Part five Teaching procedures Describing things wooden adj.木质 的,木头的 wide adj. 宽的 deep adj. 深的 foot n. 英尺 复数形式:feet meter n. 米 centimeter n. 厘米 1.Sth is 数量 + 形容词(long,wide,high) eg. The box is 4 feet long. 2.Sth is 形容词 enough( for sb )to do sth. eg. It is big enough for you to keep all your clothes in . * * * * Unit 4 What time is it? Section 1 2 Unit 5 Describing things Section 2 N o.20 Next Ⅰ. Status and function Ⅱ. Teaching aims and demands 1. Knowledge objects 2. Ability objects 3. Moral objects Ⅲ .Teaching keys and difficult points 1. Key points 2. Difficult points Ⅳ. Teaching aids back back 1.The Ss in secondary vocational school are weak in English. 2.They are still young people. They are interested in every new thing. 3.They have known the importance of English. back 1.Explanation teaching method 2.Communnicative teaching method 3. Audio-visual teaching method 4.Situation teaching method back 1.Autonomic learning method 2.Cooperative learning method 3.“Observation-imitation-practice” 4.Doing some exercise in class back Including 6 steps: Step 1.Greetings Step 2, warming-up and lead - in Step 3, Presentation Step 4.Consolidation Step5. Practice Step6. Homework Step 1.Greetings Step 2, warming-up and lead - in long wide high It is 4 feet long. It is 2.5 feet wide. It is 2 feet high. Can you describe it? How long/wide/high is it? Step 3. Presentation 1.What color is it? It is brown. 2.What is it made of? It is made of wooden. 3.What is it used for? It is used to


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