英语:Unit7 International charitiesIntegrated skills同步课件(译林牛津版八下).ppt

英语:Unit7 International charitiesIntegrated skills同步课件(译林牛津版八下).ppt

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英语:Unit7 International charitiesIntegrated skills同步课件(译林牛津版八下)

If you are an editor of Charities Around the World, what do you want to say to people and ask them to do something for charity. Integrated skills Unit 7 为… 提供… 做些义工 联合国 成立于1946年 因为战争 欧洲战争之后 为了… 代替工作 provide … for … do some voluntary work the United Nations be set up in 1946 because of the war after the war in Europe so that … instead of working (义务的, 志愿的) 重点词组 World Wide Fund for Nature Oxfam ORBIS UNICEF World Vision Lets play a guessing game. Mrs Black was blind at the age of sixty. Now ten years past, she still cant see anything because she is very poor and has no enough money to go to hospital. ORBIS It works to help people who are unable to see. Some restaurants sell dishes made in rare animals. The animals are protected by laws(法律). World Wide Fund for Nature It can protect the wildlife, nature and environment。 Mr Jone is out of work now. The factory he has worked in bankrupted(破产) last month. He and his workmates lost their jobs and they have less and less money to support their families. It can make our world become fair. Children in poor areas in Africa dont have enough food or enough houses to live in. They are ill, but they cant go to hospital;they are old enough , but they cant go to school. UNICEF It works to provide children with f_______, house, m_______ and education. ood edicine How much do you know about UNICEF? 1. What is UNICEF? 2. When and where was it set? 3. Why was it set up? 4. How many countries and areas does UNICEF work in? It is part of the United Nations. It was set up in Europe in 1946. Because it wanted to help the children whose lives were changed because of the war. Over190. Listen to the tape and finish A2 on page 101. Ask and answer the following questions in pairs. When was UNICEF set up? Why was UNICEF set up? Where does UNICEF work? What does UNICEF do to help? How does UNCEF raise money? Help to finish A4 on page 102. What’s the matter with the boy? He has got toothache. What can the boy do with it? He can take the m


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