Let Us Choose Life 反核主题课件.ppt

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Let Us Choose Life 反核主题课件

Let Us Choose Life; Let Us End the Nuclear Weapons Threat Now What is Nuclear Weapon? Nuclear weapon is an explosive device that derives its destructive force from nuclear reactions, either fission or a combination of fission and fusion. Both reactions release vast quantities of energy from relatively small amounts of matter; a modern thermonuclear weapon weighing little more than a thousand kilograms can produce an explosion comparable to the detonation of more than a billion kilograms of conventional high explosive.Even small nuclear devices can devastate a city. Nuclear weapons are considered weapons of mass destruction, and their use and control has been a major aspect of international policy since their debut 。 核武器就是利用能自持进行核裂变或聚变反应释放的能量,产生爆炸作用,并具有大规模杀伤破坏效应的武器的总称。其中主要利用铀235(U-235) 或钚239(239Pu)等重原子核的裂变链式反应原理制成的裂变武器,通常称为原子弹;主要利用重氢(D,氘 {dāo})或超重氢(T,氚 {chuān})等轻原子核的热核反应原理制成的热核武器或聚变武器,通常称为氢弹。 History of Nuclear Weapons The first nuclear weapons were created by the United States,and Albert Einstein Manhattan Project. While the first weapons were developed mainly out of fear that Germany they would first develop them,they were eventually used against the Japanese cities of Hiroshima Nagasaki in August 1945. History of Nuclear Weapons Nuclear weapons were symbols of military and national power,and nuclear was often used both to test new designs as well as to send political messages. History of Nuclear Weapons Other nations also developed nuclear weapons during this time,including the United Kingdom,France and China.these 5 members of the “nuclear club”agreed to attempt to limit the sparead of nuclear rise to other nations,though at least three other countries(India,South Afica,Pakistan and most likely Israel)developed nuclear arms during this time. 1945年原子弹爆炸后的东京 1945年原子弹爆炸后的东京 1945年原子弹爆炸后的东京 核辐射(核污染)给人类造成的危害 以下图片可能会引起部分同学的不适,请做好心理准备。 核污染 核污染主要指核物质泄露后的遗留物对环境的破坏,包括核辐射、原子尘埃等本身引起的污染,还有这些物质对环境的污染后带来的次生污染,比如被核物质污染的水源对人畜的伤害 Anti-Nuclear Weapons 从人类开始使用核能到今天,核能被应用到军事、能


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