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《物流专业英语》 Unit 23 What is packaging? 什么是包装? 授课日期 _______年___月___日 授课教师 授课专业/班级 ______专业______班级 讲授单元 Unit 23 单元讲授时长 二学时 讲授内容 物流术语、课文、课堂练习 教学任务: 掌握本单元的物流专业术语 掌握本单元的核心概念 熟悉本单元的常用物流英语表达法 熟悉本单元的物流流程 第一部分 Section 1 本单元核心术语 Core terms packaging 包装 safety instruction 安全说明 hazardous materials 危险品 commercial packing 商业包装 shipment packing 运输包装 reinforced conveyance 强化运输 第二部分 Section 2 本单元核心概念 Core concepts What is packing? 什么是包装? Packaging is the act of sealing a product with containers, materials and auxiliary items with a view of protecting the product, facilitating storage/shipment and promoting sales in the logistics process. 包装是采用容器、材料及辅助物等将产品包封的行为,目的是在物流过程中保护产品,方便储运,促进销售。 课堂教学之—— Step 1 单词领读 由教师当堂领读生词 纠正学生的发音 领读完之后给学生留出5分钟的时间来温习单词。 课堂教学之—— Step 2 重点内容 掌握核心术语 学习时间5分钟 课堂教学之—— Step 3 难点学习 理解并背诵核心概念 学习时间5分钟 课堂教学之—— Step 4 课文学习 理解课文的意思 对难句进行语法和结构讲解 学习时间30分钟 课文学习提示: 教师在讲解课文时,除对课文进行翻译之外,还要顺带讲解一下难句的语法结构。 What is packaging? 什么是包装? Packaging is the act of sealing a product with containers, materials and auxiliary items with a view of protecting the product, facilitating storage/shipment and promoting sales in the logistics process. 包装是采用容器、材料及辅助物等将产品包封的行为,目的是在物流过程中保护产品,方便储运,促进销售。 How do we understand the role of packaging in logistics? 如何理解包装在物流中的地位? In the process of reproduction, packaging lies in the end of the production process and the beginning of the logistics process. It is both the end of production and jump-start of logistics. 在再生产过程中,包装处于生产过程的末尾和物流过程的开头,包装既是生产的终点,又是物流的始点。 Before modern logistics concepts were formulated, packaging had long been an activity in the production sector, and packaging designing focused on the requirements of end production. Therefore it often failed to meet the requirements of distribution. Logistics studies show that the packaging-logistics relationship is much closer than the packaging-production relationship. Packaging as the origin of logistics is far more significant than packaging a


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