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Content Content Chapter 4 At the Information Desk Content Content Chapter 6 Complaints Content Content Content Chapter 9 At the Conference Content Content Content Content Content ▲ Background information Knowing How to Deal with Emergencies A housekeeping clerk is demonstrating how to deal with an emergency . Content 1. 严格遵守酒店制定的《员工手册》,热爱本职工作,认真学习专业知识,熟悉设备性能及系统情况,判断故障快速准确,处理迅速及时。 ?2 每班的值勤人员负责常用耗材的清点,发现不足要及时补充。 ?3 严格遵守操作规程,正确使用手动和电动工具,发现问题及时调整修理。不能修复的必须报告部门经理,对各类工具设备做到勤保养和妥善保管。 ?4 树立强烈的酒店意识,文明维修,酒店至上,工作时尽量不影响客人,公共场所施工必要时加设围栏,在客房使用如冲击电钻等强噪音的工具,必须严格遵守时间规定,严格按计划时间施工。自觉做好施工场地的收尾工作,以保证酒店的环境优美。 ??5 对来人来电报修及时登记,维修要迅速,及时,维修完立即返回班组待命,并认真填写维修换件。 Content G : Oh, I see, well, why doesn’t it say on the card? And ______________________________________ . (为什么接待处没有人告诉我)? And… why is there a pool of water under the air-con? Housekeeping: I’m terribly sorry, sir. _________________________________________________ (我马上派工 程师来检查空调). G: If you could, please. Thank you. Housekeeping: Thank you, sir. Content Content Content Content Content Content 15. coca-cola「k?uk?k?ul?」n.可口可乐. 16. onion「?nj?n」n. 洋葱 17. rare「r??」a. 稀罕的,罕见的,珍贵的 18. recommend「rek?mend」v. 建议,推荐,劝告,介绍 19. champagne「??mpein」n. 香槟酒 20. peanut「pi:n?t」n. 花生 21. soya 「s?i?」n. 大豆(黄豆) 22. bean「bi:n」n. 豆 23. cholesterol「k?lest?r?ul, -r?l」n. 胆固醇 24. porridge「p?rid?」n. 粥,麦片粥 25. lotus 「l?ut?s」n. 荷花(莲花,莲饰) 26. seed「si:d」n. 种子vi. (植物)结实,播种vt. 播种 27. jujube「d?u?d?u?b」n.【植】枣子;枣树 28. traditional「tr?di??n(?)l」a. 传统的 29. preserved「priz?:vd」a.保藏的,蜜饯的,腌制的 Content Content Beer is a bitter alcoholic drink made from grain. Beer is the worlds oldest and most widely consumed alcoholic beverage and the third most popular drink overall after water and tea. It is produced by the brewing and fermentation of starches mainly derived from cereal


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