九年级八单元导学案Reading and review.doc

九年级八单元导学案Reading and review.doc

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九年级八单元导学案Reading and review

三中学校九年级英语学科导学案 课题:Unit8 I’ll help clean up the city parks. Reading and review 课型 讲读 主备 费金香 审核 陈丽萍 班级 九年 姓名 赵春凤 时间 2013-11-4 小组 英语 编号 32 【学习目标】 1.Learn to offer help. 2.Be able to use “I’d like to work outside.” “You could help clean up the city parks.” 3.Master “I’d like to….” “You could …. 4 Read the text clearly 【重点难预测】 “I’d like to work outside.” “You could help clean up the city parks. Some important phrases 【学法指导】 学生自主学习与教师指导合作并用 【知识链接】 用方框中所给短语的适当形式完成对话: clean up, set up, cheer up, put off, come up with A: We抮e going to have a party this evening. Do you know? B: Yes. What do we have to do for the party? A: We have to _________ some new ideas for games. B: What do we have to do at the party? A: First we have to help _________ the food tables. B: Do we have to do it right away? A: Yes, we can抰 ________ the part. B: I hate doing this kind of work. A: Well, __________! We抣l finish it soon. B: What抯 the last thing we have to do? A: We have to ______ after the party. 【学习过程】或【学习内容】 一.自主学习 打扫干净________________ 2.使振奋,使高兴起来________________ 3.分发 ___________________ 4.推迟________________ 5.建立,创办________________ 6.想出________________ 二.合作探究 小组合作探究总结动副短语有哪些及用法 动词+副词 如cheer up (使振奋、使高兴),set up(建立、创立),put up(举起、张贴),give away(捐赠、分发),give out(发放、消耗尽),work out(算出)等等。 此类结构主要可分为 A 、 B 两种情况: A )该结构相当于不及物动词,其后不可带宾语。例如: come back 回来, come in 进来, fall down 落下,掉下,跌落, get up 起床, hurry up 赶快,快点等等。 B )另一类“动副”型短语动词相当于及物动词,若后面的宾语是名词的话,可放在短语动词后面,也可放在两词中间;若宾语是代词的话,则只能放在动词和副词的中 【学案整理】 按要求转换下列句型。 1. To work in a school is very interesting. (同义句) ______ _____ very interesting to work in a school. 2. Don’t worry too much about your exam. (同义句) Don’t _____ _____too much about your exam. 3. We maybe make our friends and family unhappy. (对划线部分提问) _____ _____ you maybe make your friends and family? 4. The headmaster saw the children playing on the playground. (变成复合句) The headmaster saw the children _____ _____ on the playground. 5. Did he co


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