折中教学法在中学英语教学中的应用 英语毕业论文.docVIP

折中教学法在中学英语教学中的应用 英语毕业论文.doc

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折中教学法在中学英语教学中的应用 英语毕业论文

20XX届本科毕业论文 折中教学法在中学英语教学中的应用 姓 名: 系 别: 专 业: 学 号: 指导教师: 20XX年5月 The Application of Eclecticism in Middle School English Teaching by XXX XXXX Normal University May 20XX 摘 要 中学英语教学在过去的三十年里取得了稳步的发展,但是许多中学里的英语教学现状仍然不容乐观,它不能满足我国的政治和经济发展的需要。随着国际交流和合作的加强,英语的影响也变得不容忽视,过去常用的语法翻译已经不能适应时代的发展,这自然就给担负培养英语人才的英语教师提出了一个更高的要求。因此许多英语教学者都在努力汲取世界的特别是一些英语国家的先进教学方法。例如:交际法、直接法、认知教学法、全身活动法、折中教学法等。 本文选取了中学英语教学为切入点,针对其当前的教学现状,主要结合折中教学法理论和实践,讨论了这种教学法在中学英语中的应用,提出了在中学英语中运用折中教学法不但能提高学生的基本语言技能,培养学生的学习兴趣和积极性,而且也能更好地提高学生的语言综合运用能力。 关键词:折中教学法;中学英语教学 ;综合语言运用能力 Abstract The last 30 years has witnessed a steady development of English language Teaching (ELT) in middle schools. In many middle schools of China, ELT is still far from being satisfactory, and unable to meet the needs of the political and economic development of our country. With the highlighting of the international communication and cooperation, the influence of English can not be ignored. The traditional grammar—translation method can not be fit to the development of the times. Naturally, the situation proposes a higher requirement to every English teacher who has responsibility of cultivating English talents. So many English teachers are working hard to draw some advanced teaching methods from the world especially some English—speaking countries, such as: communicative approach, direct method, cognitive approach, total physical responses and eclecticism and so on. Based on the English teaching in secondary schools and current status, this paper combines the theory of eclecticism with practice, and discusses the application in English teaching. Finally, it puts forward that using the eclecticism in secondary schools is a wise choice. Because it can not only improve the students’ basic language skills, cultivate their interest and motivation, but also strengthen students’ comprehensive ability at the aspects of u


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