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序号 Chinese English 1 有许多吃的和喝的(东西) have lots to eat and drink 有许多值得庆祝的(事情) have a lot to celebrate 2 为……担心 worry about …= be worried about… 某事使某人担心 sth. worry sb. 3 △(某人)对(……事物)很熟悉 (sb.)be familiar with (sth.) (记住with后跟物) △……对(某人而言)很熟悉 ….be familiar to (sb.) (记住to后面跟人) 4 △西方的文化 Western culture(只要了解) 5 对……有信心 be confident of …. = have confidence in…. 6 学生会 students’ union 7 被划分为12个星座 be divided into 12 star signs 8 有时 at times = sometimes = from time to time 9 一个勤奋的人 a hard-working person 10 共同享有相似的特征 share similar characteristics 11 担心太多 worry too much 12 注意…… pay attention to… 13 (关于某事)与某人争吵 argue with sb. (about/over sth.) 14 有许多精力 have lots of energy 15 保守秘密 keep secrets 16 因为某事而宽恕某人 forgive sb. for sth. 17 (富)有幽默感 have a (good) sense of humour 18 到不同的地方去旅行 travel to different places 19 关心…… care about … 20 轻易放弃 give up easily 放弃某事(代词放中间) give sth. up 放弃做某事 give up doing sth. 21 与某人交朋友/与某人做朋友 make friends with sb./ be friends with sb. 22 讲笑话 tell jokes 23 各种各样的…… all kinds of… 24 向某人解释某事 explain sth. to sb. 25 炫耀;卖弄 show off 26 梦到;梦见 dream about …. 梦到;梦见;梦想;渴望 dream of… 27 舞蹈课 dancing lessons 28 seem用法 seem + adj. (系表结构) seem to do sth. It seems that + 宾语从句 29 尽可能多的信息 as much information as possible 30 做某事遇到了难题/麻烦 have problems/trouble/difficulty with sth have problems/trouble/difficulty (in) doing sth. 31 在学习或工作中取得成功 have success at school or work 32 最后 finally = at last = in the end 33 适合于……. be suitable for ….. 34 ★让某事被别人做(请别人做某事) have sth. done 35 开心地做某事 have (lots of) fun (in) doing sth =have a good time (in) doing sth. = enjoy oneself (in) doing sth. 36 提出;想到;拿出(新的主意) come up with (new ideas) 37 A和B相似 A be similar to B 38 推荐某人担….职务 recommend sb. as +职务 推荐某人获….奖 recommend sb. for+奖项 39 暑假作业 summer homework 40 得到满分 get full marks 41 给某人作演讲 make/give a speech to sb. 42 变得更加有条理/效率 get more organized 43 个人的才能(品质) personal qualities 44 同意某人的意见 agree with sb./what sb. said 45 反对/介意(某人)做某事 mind (


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