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双语新闻Bilingual news

双语新闻Bilingual news 1 中国发射了一架无人飞船,这被称为北京建造自己空间站的第一步。这个叫做“天宫一号”、重8.5吨的飞行器在当地时间星期四晚间从中国西北部的戈壁沙漠上一个地点发射。这架飞船由长征2F火箭推动升空。中国各地的报纸刊登了有关这次发射的详细报道,国营电视台对这次发射成功表示喝彩。 将在11月1日发射的另一艘无人飞船“神舟八号”将与“天宫一号”对接。这将是中国第一次在太空中的对接。中国计划在明年年底前再进行几次太空对接作业,其中至少有一次是载人对接。这个目将要求在2016年底前建设一个空间实验室,在2020年左右完成建造一个重60吨的空间站。中国在2003年首次实现载人宇宙飞船升空,这距离美国和前苏联的创举有40多年之久。在中国进行最新努力之际,美国航天飞机舰队的退役为美国太空项目的未来划上问号。 China has launched an unmanned spacecraft, in what is described as Beijings first step toward building its own space station.The 8.5 ton module -- known as Tiangong-1, or Heavenly Palace -- lifted off from a site in Chinas northwestern Gobi desert late Thursday night local time. The craft was propelled by a Long March 2F rocket. Detailed reports about the launch were splashed across Chinese newspapers and the development was hailed by state-run broadcasters. Another unmanned spacecraft to be launched November 1 will meet up with the module for Chinas first space-docking procedure.China plans several more rendezvous-and-docking procedures before the end of next year -- at least one of which will be manned. The program calls for construction of a space laboratory by 2016 and completion of a 60-ton space station around 2020.China conducted its first manned space flight in 2003, more than four decades after pioneering flights by the United States and Soviet Union. The latest efforts come at a time when the retirement of the U.S. space shuttle fleet has left the future of the American space program in question. 2 美国总统奥巴马将出席登普西接任美国最高军职的就职仪式。有37年军龄的登普西的前任是即将退休的海军上将迈克·马伦。 奥巴马在5月份提名登普西接替马伦,当时登普西出任陆军参谋长刚刚一个月。 登普西的军旅生涯包括两次在伊拉克履职,以及担任美军中央司令部代司令,负责美军在中东地区的全部军事行动。 在登普西出任新一任美军参谋长联席会议主席之际,美军面临大规模预算削减以减少美国巨额国债。在上个月他的任命听证会上,登普西提醒国会议员说,削减8千亿或更多军费将使会美国国防面临“极大的困难和很高的风险。” U.S. Army General Martin Dempsey will be sworn as the new chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Friday. President Barack Obama will be in attendance when the 37-year veteran becomes the nations top uniformed officer, replacing retiring Na


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