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毕业设计(论文) 题目名称:基于多协议、可配置的远程Linux服务器的上传、下载程序设计 院系名称:计算机学院 班 级:网络082 学 号: 学生姓名: 指导教师: 2011年 5 月 基于多协议、可配置的远程Linux服务器的上传、下载程序设计 rogramming of upload and download Based on multi-protocol and configurable remote Linux server 院系名称:计算机学院 班 级:网络082 学 号: 学生姓名: 指导教师: 2011 年 月 关键词: 完整版程序代码,全套设计,联系153893706 Abstract With the growing popularity of computers in modern society, more and more units and office computers for personal use and daily use, data transmission services are widely available, deep into the fields, but have followed the issue of data security . Therefore, the increasing need for network data transfer protocol for the current understanding of analysis, which makes the inevitable and urgent research needs. Data transmission services as Internet-based services are an important component of the Internet information system, its security is essential. Therefore, how to effectively ensure the security of data transmission, the confidentiality of data transmission and the reliability of communication channels has become the industry is one of the important issues to explore. Based on the ssh protocol ftp protocol and processes and content analysis of the whole process of research protocols, and to achieve upload and download programs, this program can be integrated into other systems, the entire system to upload and download functionality requirements. Necessary, you can choose key based on the security of passwords and authentication, choose to use ftp or ssh method to transfer files, thus ensuring the security of data transmission. Focuses on the upload and download programs and data related to authentication module, which ssh implementation of the data book is this part of the core. . In this paper, uploading and downloading process analysis and design process, and describes the development of technology systems development, the use of OpenSSL for ssh data transfer module was set up, details the password-based auth


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