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3-* Ethics and Social Responsibility 商业伦理和社会责任 Chapter Three McGraw-Hill/Irwin Copyright ? 2012 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Ethics and Social Responsibility The specific objectives of this chapter are to本章的具体目标是 1. EXAMINE ethics in international management and some of the major ethical issues and problems confronting MNCs in selected countries.研究在国际管理中的商业伦理,和选定的有代表性国家的跨国企业面临一些主要的伦理问题。 2. DISCUSS some of the pressures on and action being taken by selected industrialized countries and companies to be more socially and environmentally responsive to world problems.讨论所选定的工业化国家和公司面临的一些压力和采取的行动,这些行动对世界问题更负有社会和环境方面的责任。 3. EXPLAIN some of the initiatives to bring greater accountability to corporate conduct and limit the impacts of corruption around the world.解释一些主动行为使企业对自身行为承担更大的责任,并限制世界各地腐败的影响 Ethics and Social Responsibility in International Management国际管理中的伦理与社会责任 Ethics 伦理 Study of morality and standards of conduct.道德结论与行为规范。 Dilemmas arising from conflicts between ethical standards between countries most evident in employment practices国家伦理标准之间的冲突所产生的困境最为明显的是在雇用实践中 Inferring right vs. wrong in legal sense在法律意义上,对与错的推理 Ethics and Social Responsibility in International Management国际管理中的伦理与社会责任 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)企业社会责任 Involves the voluntary actions of a firm to benefit society beyond requirements of law and direct interests of firm涉及到企业的自愿行为,这些行为对社会的利益超越了法律的要求和对公司的直接利益 Closely related to ethics与伦理密切相关 CSR concerns include working conditions in factories and service centers as well as environmental impacts of corporate activities企业社会责任的关心,包括工厂的工作环境、服务中心以及企业活动的环保影响 Ethics Theories and Philosophy伦理理论与哲学 Kantian philosophical traditions康德的哲学传统 Individuals have responsibilities based on a core set of moral principles that go beyond those of narrow self-interest.个人有些责任,这些责任建立在一套核心的超越狭隘私利的道德原则基础上。 Aristotelian virtue ethics亚里士多德的德性伦理学 Focus on core, individual behaviors and actions and how they express and fo


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