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True or False 1. Because Old Tom and the other killers were too fierce, they also would harm or attack people. 2. James was afraid of being abandoned by us. F T Post reading Unit 3 Under the sea Let’s enjoy the wonderful world under the sea!! B A D F C E G Guessing game Dolphins 海豚 turtle 海龟 Shark 鲨鱼 Sea Star 海星 Coral 珊瑚 Octopus 章鱼 sea horse 海马 Guess what is the name of the animals? the largest animals in the ocean whales Pre-reading killer whales baleen whales killer whales king of the sea, biggest carnivore (食肉动物) of the sea, killing all kinds of animals in the sea, even the huge blue whale, like tiger on land, working in a team. What about killer whales? What about baleen whales? Baleen whales are whales that have no teeth. They take in huge mouthfuls of water and filter(过滤) it, trapping small fish and invertebrates(无脊椎动物 ). There are several species of baleen whale such as the blue whale, the humpback whale(座头鲸 ) and the right whale(脊美鲸 ). OLD TOM THE KILLER WHALE Old Tom the killer whale Reading Writer Career Writing style Time Place Main character Clancy A whaler Anecdotes At the beginning of the 20th century Australia Whalers, killer whales and baleen whales Background Information Fast reading 1. The first story is mainly about ____. A. a hunting experience of Old Tom B. how Old Tom helped with whale hunting C. how the whalers killed a whale D. how killer whales killed a whale 2. The second story is mainly about_______. A. About how Old Tom protected and saved James. B. About how Old Tom killed a shark. C. About how a shark attacked James. D. About how a shark killed Old Tom. Main idea Careful Reading listen and finish the following task—— Part 1 How did the killers help the whalers? the purpose of killers’ activities Killers activities 1.Old Tom _____ itself out of the water and _______ down again. threw crashed 2.Old Tom______by the boat swam 3.They threw themselves on ____of the whale’s blow-hole to stop it __________


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