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There are five topics. * Gain ALWAYS has an associated direction Gain ALWAYS is also loss in another direction Simple version: the higher the gain, the lower the beam width * * horizontal vertical * * 目录 WLAN 基本概念 802.11 协议简介 无线解决方案 无线网络安全 射频技术简介 射频技术简介 基本概念 dBm dBm是一个考征功率绝对值的值,计算公式为:10lg(功率值/1mw)。   [例1] 如果发射功率P为1mw,折算为dBm后为0dBm。   [例2] 对于40W的功率,按dBm单位进行折算后的值应为:   10lg(40W/1mw)=10lg(40000)=10lg4+10lg10+10lg1000=46dBm dBi与dBd dBi和dBd是考征增益的值,两者都是一个相对值, 但参考基准不一样。dBi的参考基准为全方向性天线,dBd的参考基准为偶极子,所以两者略有不同。一般认为,表示同一个增益,用dBi表示出来比用dBd表示出来要大2. 15。 Db dB是一个表征相对值的值,当考虑甲的功率相比于乙功率大或小多少个dB时,按下面计算公式:10lg(甲功率/乙功率) 例如:A功率比B功率大一倍,那么10lgA/B=10lg2=3dB,也就是说,A的功率比B的功率大3dB;如果A的功率为46dBm,B的功率为40dBm则可以说,A比B大6dB;如果A天线为12dBd,B天线为14dBd,可以说A比B小2dB 射频技术简介 全向天线 = 水平方向图 垂直方向图 立体图 全向天线 电灯泡 Top View 辐射方向图 Side View High Gain Antenna Medium Gain Antenna Low Gain Antenna 全向天线 射频技术简介 = 定向天线 射频技术简介 手电筒 辐射方向图 Medium Gain Antenna High Gain Antenna Low Gain Antenna 射频技术简介 定向天线 Questions? There are five topics. * There are five topics. * Just as the name of one person, ssid is the name of one wireless network. * * Wireless networks typically have an access point as the central device with one or more wireless devices communicating with the access point. This environment is known as a Basic Service Set (BSS). The area of coverage of the single access point is known as the Basic Service Area (BSA). BSAs are often referred to a coverage cell or just cell. Coverage cell is the same terminology used to describe the coverage area of a cellular phone tower, however the transmission technology is different. * In order to distinguish one Basic Service Set (BSS) from another, a name is assigned to the BSS. This name is actually referred to as a Service Set Identifier (SSID). The SSID can be up to 32 characters long and is case sensitive. The purpose of this name is to logically identify a wireless network. If two or more wireless networks are near each other, having a unique SSID can he


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