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Lesson31 1 retire [ritai?] ) vi.退休,退职 give up one s regular work ,esp. because of age He retired from his directorship at the age of 60. 他60岁的时候从主管的职位退休了。 2)v.(正式用语)就寝 retire for the night 就寝 3)V.退下 The ladies retired into the drawing room. 女士们到客厅里去了。 drawing room客厅(尤指私人大宅中的) retired adj.退休的 I am retired now so I have time to learn English. retirement n.退休,退职 a graceful retirement 体面的退休 compulsory retirement 强迫退休 resign vi.辞职 I was tired of my boring job, so I resigned yesterday. employ 雇佣 employer 雇主 employee 雇员 hire 雇佣 recruit 招募,征募 解雇: dismiss fire 失业: be out of work lose one s job hired,tired and fired 被雇佣了,累的半死又被解雇了。 2.company 1)n.公司,商号 firm: 指两个人以上合资经营的商业机构 a trading firm 贸易公司 corporation (美)股份有限公司 (略为corp.) a limited(liability)company 有限责任公司 2)陪同,同座的人,交际,交往 I enjoyed his company ! 有他为伴真是愉快! be fond of company 好交际 3)伙伴,朋友,同伴 A man is known by the company he keeps. (谚)近朱者赤,近墨者黑。 3.bicycle自行车(口语称为bike) 构成: bi(两个)+cycle(轮子) get on a bicycle/mount a bicycle 上自行车 get off a bicycle 下自行车 Can you ride a bicycle? motorcycle/(口)motorbike 摩托车 4.save 1) v.挽救,救save sb/save sth save one s life 挽救某人的生命 save one s face 保全面子 lose ones face 丢脸 SOS: save our soul/save our ship She saved an old man from the fire. 2)储存(钱),储蓄,节省,保留,省去(劳力,时间,花费等) He saved money for years and bought a real bed. 他攒了很多年的钱买了一张床。 He saved money for years and bought an apartment. Its wise to save part of our salary each month. Save your strength for the hard work you ll have to do later. 为了你后面要做的工作你省省力气吧。 Don t read in the sun .Save your eyes. Computers save a lot of time and energy. That saved me going out. 那我就不用出去了。 savings n.积蓄 save V.挽救 rescue V.(从危险,囚禁等中)搭救或拯救出。 5.workshop n.车间, 工作场所,作坊, 小工厂(亦可简称为shop) plant 工厂 a chemical plant 化学工厂 power plant 发电厂 6.helper n.帮手,助手 a household helper 佣人,家仆 help V.帮助 Help me! 救命! cannot help doing 忍不住做某事 On hearing the news, I can t help laughing. Heaven h


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