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Chapter 17 The Great Society Group 9 The New Frontier and The New Frontier and the Great Society 17 SECTION 1 The New Frontier SECTION 2 JFK and the Cold War SECTION 3 The Great Society The New Frontier 新边疆 The New Frontier The Election of 1960 In 1960 a youthful John F. Kennedy narrowly defeated Richard M. Nixon in the presidential election. The New Frontier Two main issues: boost the economy stop the forces of communism John F.Kennedy The Election of 1960 The New Frontier Kennedy Takes Office Despite an uneasy relationship with Congress, President Kennedy managed to get parts of his domestic agenda passed. Kennedy Takes Office Successes: Setbacks: Improve the economy Steel companies backed down and cut their prices Raise the minimum wage Area Redevelopment Act and a Housing Act Deficit spending Strain relations between the president and the business community. Congress refused to pass the tax cut Congress blocked health insurance and federal aid to education. The New Frontier The New Frontier Kennedy Takes Office Expanding Women’s Rights A New View of the Disabled The New Frontier Warren Court Reforms “One Man, One Vote” Backround: rural voters had more political influence than urban voters. The Warren Court required states to reapportion electoral districts along the principle of “one man, one vote,” so that all citizens’ votes would have equal weight. The New Frontier Extending Due Process Warren Court Reforms Due process means that the law may not treat individuals unfairly, arbitrarily, or unreasonably, and that courts must follow proper procedures when trying cases. Due process is meant to ensure that all people are treated the same by the legal system. The New Frontier Warren Court Reforms Prayer and Privacy The Supreme Court also handed down decisions that reaffirmed the separation of church and state. the Court decided that states could not compose official prayers and require those prayers to


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