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单剂量及多剂量口服透明质酸的吸收研究 蒋秋燕1,2,凌沛学1,2*,黄思玲2,张天民2 (1.山东商业职业技术学院生物技术系,山东 济南 250103;2.山东省生物药物研究院博士后科研工作站,山东 济南 250108) 摘要:目的 考察情况。4个相对分子质量透明质酸组(相对分子质量分别为6.8×104、57.4×104、99.2×104及217.3×104,ip给予剂量均为20 mg·kg-1体重1,2,4,7,10,12 h采用放射免疫法测定大鼠-时间曲线下面积净增加值(? AUC0-12)作为吸收效果的评价指标,进行最佳相对分子质量的筛选。然后选取吸收效果较好的相对分子质量的透明质酸给药,考察多剂量口服透明质酸的吸收情况7 d及30 dmg·kg-1体重,每天分别于am 9: 00给大鼠ig,其余时间自由饮食,连续给药7 d及30 d后,分别于d 8及d 31在am 9: 00给药后2 h于锁骨下静脉窦处取血,血清。7 h均有显著性升高,有的组别在药后2 h左右的血清透明质酸浓度也有显著性升高。经比较各组的? AUC0-12可知,在实验所选的4个相对分子质量中,相对分子质量为99.2×104的透明质酸吸收效果最好,? AUC0-12为1061.22±291.79 ng·h·mL-1。大鼠连续口服7 d及30 d后血清浓度与药前值相比无显著性差异。连续口服后吸收入血的可被迅速代谢, ( Study on Absorption of Hyaluronic Acid after Single-dose and Multiple-dose Oral Administration JIANG Qiu-yan 1,2, LING Pei-xue 1,2*, HUANG Si-ling 2, ZHANG Tian-min 2 (1. Biotechnology Department, Shandong Institute of Commerce and Technology, Jinan 250103, China; 2. Working Station for Postdoctoral Scientific Research, Institute of Biopharmaceuticals of Shandong Province, Jinan 250108, China.) ABSTRACT: OBJECTIVE To investigate the absorption of hyaluronic acid (HA) after single-dose and multiple-dose oral administration. METHODS The serum concentration of HA in rats was determined by radioimmunoassay after taking orally a single dose of various relative molecular mass(Mr) of HA. The ? AUC0-12 of serum HA concentration-time curve was calculated by trapezoidal integration and used as an evaluation index of absorption. Then the optimal Mr HA was used to study the absorption of HA after multiple-dose oral administration. The serum concentration of HA in rats was also determined by radioimmunoassay after taking orally HA once daily for 7 days and 30 days. RESULTS A significant increase in serum HA concentrations of each Mr group was observed at 7 h, and the serum HA levels of other groups also appeared a peak of HA about 2 h. The comparison of ? AUC0-12 confirming that the optimal Mr was 99.2×104 (the ? AUC0-12 is 1061.22±291.79 ng·h·mL-1) among the four Mr. There wasn’t


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