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通过上面示例,我们发现词汇的变化主要是通过同义词来实现的,因此,在英语学习中,对一个汉语词汇,仅仅知道对应的一个英语词汇,一种表达是远远不够的,必须在学完对应的英语词语时,还要掌握其同义词、反义词等,这要在表达时才能做到丰富多彩,游刃有余。有鉴于此,这里特地向读者提供一些常见汉语词语的英文同义、近义词表达。 (1)大多数的: a (vast/overwhelming) majority of, a considerable proportion of, a sizable percentage of (2)许多:quite a few, a host of, the bulk of, a multitude of, a variety of, (3)民众:citizens, dwellers, residents, inhabitants, populace, the mass, the population (4)教师:teachers, faculty, instructors, professors (5)学生:students, school leavers, graduates, boys and girls, college population, classmates (6)人类:man, humans, human beings, mankind, humanity (7)孩子:children, offsprings, sons and daughters, babies, infants, teenagers (8)工作:jobs, work, careers, employment, occupations, professions (9) 公司企业:business, company, venture, enterprise, cooperation, organization (10) 打工:take a part-time job, work part-time, do a temporary job (11)成就:achievement, accomplishment, success, be successful (12)方法:strategies, techniques, ways, means, approaches, methods (13)缺点:faults, defects, shortcomings, weakness, disadvantages (14) 优点:merits, advantages, strengths (15)使:make, leave sb. employed / paralyzed, render sth. impossible / unable to, allow sb. to do (16)表明/显示:show, demonstrate, display, indicate, suggest, reveal, exbibit (17)忽视:overlook, ignore, disreguard, neglect (18)重视/强调:emphasize, stress, highlight, pay attention to, pay much heed to, attach/assign much importance to, place great emphasis/stress/ value on, lay emphasis on, put premium on (19)导致/造成:cause, give rise to, lead to, contribute to, be responsible for (20) 努力:do / try one’s best, do everything possible, go to great lengths, spare no efforts, make an efforts/ ttempt, take pains (21)缺少:scarce, lack / absence / shortage of (22)处理:deal with, cope with, handle, tackle, treat, address (23)迷惑/困惑:confuse, bewilder, perplex, baffle, puzzle (24)满足要求:meet / satisfy / accommodate the demand of (25)弥补损失:compensate for/ make up for the loss/damage (26)解释现象:account for, explain, give e


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