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——林纾;Information about Lin Shu; 清朝末年,一个精通古汉语却不懂abc的文人,靠别人的口译,用文言文笔译了《茶花女》等近200种欧美小说,为长辫子的中国人打开了一扇接受西风欧雨的窗口,他就是林纾。 ;Introduction;1897, his wife died,and he engaged himself in translating Western works. AfterDumass wards,Lin undertook the translation of Alexandre La Dame aux Camélias. (known as 巴黎茶花女遗事in Chinese) This book was published in 1899 and was an immediate success. ;Lin himself describes how he worked on his translations: I have no foreign languages. I cannot pass for a translator without the aid of several gentlemen, who interpret the texts for me. They interpret, and I write down what they interpret. They stop, and I put down my pen. 6,000 words can be produced after a mere four hours labour.I am most fortunate to have my error-plagued, rough translations kindly accepted by the learned.;;Translation Strategy;Translation Style;1.The essence of Lin Shu’s translation thoughts was to “ awake the people and save the nation through protesting the imperialists”(警醒人心,反帝救国). He expressed his patriotic thought in many prologue and postscripts of his translated works. e.g. “The yellow race has been subject to worse treatment than even the black…I noted what the book relates about the Negros and when I reflected that the yellow race too are facing subjugation, my indignation increased… 黄人受虐或更甚于黑人。……就其原书所著录者, 黄种之将亡,因而愈生其悲怀耳。 ; 例:The finest and the fattest is for their board; the loveliest is for their couch; the best and bravest supply their foreign masters with soldiers, and whiten distant lands with their bones, leaving few here who have either will or the power to protect the unfortunateSaxon. 译:今甘旨悉聚贵人之庖,国中美人又悉作肉屏之用,丁壮之士则暴骨于边远之疆场,皓皓作白色矣。剩我辈终身奴隶,假之喘息于田野中,其情至可悯痛。——《撒克逊劫后英雄略》 ;2.运用汉语古文的改写,别具风味,且常常给以译文抹上道德色彩。 e.g. Of course, of course, he said , but all the same you are a brave girl, Joan. 译文:“此语出之忠义之肠, 老夫佩女郎盛德。” e.g.…and I feel as though I had done something wicked, though Heaven knows that I am acting for the best. … 译文:老身今日之行,竟犯不韪(wěi)矣。虽然,万种艰难,惟


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