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左右手互博练出30分作文 博智教育 王文静 资料清单 28-30分考生的培训前后作文对比+教师精批 来自北美考场的托福满分大作文集 小作文1-26满分范文 大作文模版 大作文sample三篇—仅供思路参考 下载地址:见讲座公告区 Agenda 不同分数目标的不同战略 想清楚才能写清楚—满分作文之逻辑清楚 词不在难,会用则灵—满分作文之语言合体 资料使用讲解 互动时间规则 3个指定的互动环节 非互动环节老师会关闭对话窗口 托福作文学习之困境 从来不写的 一写就几十篇的 扒别人高分作文模版的 自己觉得自己写的挺好就是冲不破25的 不会举例的 只会举例的 GMAT后遗症 GRE后遗症 四级六级后遗症 如果你只要20分 勇敢地拥抱模版吧! The issue of ____________(名词性成分)__________has triggered wild controversies lately in my community. The debate sometimes became acrimonious, as some hold that _ _________________ while the others insist on the opposite. Some efforts trying to find a mitigating middle ground failed miserably. Based on my own experience on the issue, I argue that _ ____________________. 若你心怀满分壮志 Effectively addresses the topic and task展开论点 Is well organized and well developed, using clearly appropriate explanations, exemplifications, and/or details结构 若你心怀满分壮志 Displays unity, progression and coherence结构 Displays consistent facility in the use of language, demonstrating syntactic variety, appropriate word choice, and idomaticity, though it may have minor lexical or grammatical errors 语言运用 训练阶段和冲刺阶段的区分 训练要慢—慢才会发生质变 冲刺阶段要放下—集中优势炮火 训练阶段 打磨逻辑 积累语言 完善结构 满分作文之逻辑清楚 2013.01.13 Do you think your should make sure others (your leader or colleagues) know your strength and accomplishment, because it is the only way to be successful? 让题目飞一会儿 想一想的成果 没有无用的联想—意识流也是有用的 巧用联想写开头 开头段的作用 交代题目背景 帮助读者理解,你的立场的背景由来 为后段论述铺垫搭台 为攻击性强的论证树立靶子 定义理解可能有不同的核心概念 交代和个人相关的历史背景式开头 Topic: Do you agree with the viewpoint that people are now easier to become educated than in the past? My grandfather once told me that when he was a student he had to walk almost 3miles a day to get to the school and teachers and books are the only two accessible educational resource at that time. However, in this modern age, the advanced technology penetrates in every aspect of our lives and change the way of traditional education. In addition, the resource of education is abundant and people have the incentive to have educatio


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