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A Contrastive Study of Politeness Principles in English and Chinese Based on Leech and Gu’s Theory Author: Fu Jie Supervisor: Lu Ling A Thesis Submitted as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of B. A. in English School of Foreign Studies Fuyang Teachers College, Anhui Province April, 2012 学位论文 以利奇与顾曰国理论为基础的中英礼貌原则对比 傅洁 (学号200840210105) 指导教师姓名 卢 凌 职 称 教 授 单 位 阜阳师范学院外国语学院 专业名称 英语教育 申请学位级别 学士 学位授予单位 阜 阳 师 范 学 院 2012年4月 A Contrastive Study of Politeness Principles in English and Chinese Based on Leech and Gu’s Theory Abstract Nowadays, against the backdrop of growing economic and trade globalization, the communication between countries is more frequent than before. English has become an important tool of communication around the world. Politeness, as a symbol of civilization, has been playing a significant role in the cross-cultural communication. There are many scholars who have related and analyzed this issue. American sociologist Erving Goffman has put forward the “Face behavior theory”, then in 1987, Brown and Levinson discussed the politeness in a positive way and a negative way firstly. After that , English linguist Geoffery Leech summed up his politeness principles from the perspective of pragmatics. Foreign academies were busy making their own explanation on the thesis of politeness, at the same time our domestic scholars also focused on this area. Chinese scholar Gu Yueguo wrote a book named Politeness, Pragmatics and Culture, which is a perfect combination of the English politeness principle and the Chinese traditional culture. He pointed out that there are six principles in Chinese politeness. This paper centered on the contrast analysis between the Chinese and English politeness. Firstly, it introduces the development and the background of the Chinese and English politeness theory. Secondly, Sino-English politeness principle distinction is divided separately from six aspects, and th


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