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Even assuming that the WZCS`s 1,000 core zoos are all of a high standard—complete with scientific staff and research facilities,trained and dedicated keepers ,accommodation that permits normal or natural behavior ,and a policy of cooperating fully with one another -what might be the potential for conversation?即使世界动物园保护策略的1000个核心动物园都是高水准的,科技人员和研究设备齐全,拥有训练有素、工作敬业的管理员和允许动物正常或自然活动的场所,以及各动物园之间彼此充分合作的政策,那么保护动物的潜力会如何呢?While newspapers and TV stations may aim to report world events accurately ,be they natural or human disasters, political events or the horror of war, it is also true that their main objectives is to sell newspapers and attract listeners and viewers to their stations.尽管报纸和电视台可能追求准确地报导世界事件,不论是自然灾难还是人为灾难,也不论是政治事件还是战争的恐怖。但是,他们的主要目标还是出售报纸,吸引听众和观众关注他们的电视台。Even in cases where foreign customers can speak English quite well, it`s often forgotten that they may not be able to understand it to the required level ―bearing in mind the regional and social variation which permeates speech and which can cause major problems of listening comprehension.即使在国外顾客能够把英语说得很好的情况下,人们却经常忘记他们理解英语的能力可能达不到要求的水平------考虑到渗透到语言中,会造成听力理解重大问题的地区和社会差异。In the mid-1980s, the idea gained currency within the scientific world that the techniques which were successfully deciphering disorder-related genes could be applied to a larger project :if science can learn the genetic spelling of cystic fibrosis ,why not attempt to find out how to spell “human”?在20世纪80年代中期,这样一个想法在科学领域流传开来:正在成功地破译乱序基因的技术可以用于一个更大的工程:如果科学能够了解囊肿性纤维化的基因拼写,为什么不去尝试找出拼写“人”的方法呢?What would be the implications if humanity were to understand ,with precision, the genetic constitution which, given the same environment ,will predispose one person towards a higher intelligence than another individual whose genes were differently shuffled?假如人类可以准确的知道,在同样的环境下,基因的构成会使一个人比另一个基因排列颠序不同的人更聪明,会有什么结果呢?It wasn`t until the discovery of the reaction principle, which was the key to space travel and so represents one of the great milestones in the history o


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